There are a lot of books for parenting but

There are a lot of books for parenting, I have read a few but I find they are missing practical tools that actually work. I am so glad you will offer this option, and I really hope that many people take it, because this is real. We bombard our children with inputs, ideas, beliefs – like they have to behave this way or play that way. Sometimes they just need us to be there, just in silence, just our presence….

Do that! Do this amazing course.

I did my first primal process many years ago, and I can also tell those who have already done it, to do this course with Bela again.
Her knowledge of the inner child is so accurate, profound and honest that anyone can get something out of the course with her that is indescribable in words and so valuable that, at the end of the course, the only thing you will want to do… is to do it again and again!
Meeting my inner child finally gave me the ability to relax that I never, ever had. Only the encounter with this vulnerable and innocent part can give us what we all seek: peace, grounding, softness, love for ourselves.
Thank you Bela, thank you Osho international for this opportunity to work on such a delicate subject online but with the same care and effectiveness as in-presence courses.

An interesting experience

A very rich and interesting experience, completely unexpected and I can say that it gave me working ideas. The idea for a sequel was born spontaneously. I think it will be useful.
Many thanks to Sadhana

Joyful voice activation

The course was beautiful and joyful and a great reminder of the power of our voices, of singing, of humming to not only heal us, but to also charge us with life energy and bring us joy and excitement to life. Please do an advanced version of it where we meet once a week or a month as a continuation to the voice journey and to deepen it. Thank you

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