OSHO No-Mind is for me so wonderfully simple and powerful

So wonderfully simple and powerful.
OSHO No-Mind is for me so wonderfully simple and powerful at the same time. Liberating to throw out garbage that seems to accumulate without me knowing. The first experience was like getting rid of a headache I had gotten so used to that I’d forgotten I had it.

It was such an easy thing to do

It was such an easy thing to do.
No thinking required, just let go and it was such a release, I felt such an incredible space inside. I still remember how fresh everything felt walking out and feeling as if the sun was shining on me for the first time.

Relating with myself and others

Sitting in a course of Bela is already a guarantee for truth, heart and depth to be present throughout the experience. These three qualities allowed me to comfortably and trustingly take a deeper look at the way I relate, my patterns with intimacy and the most important thing for me – the way these same outer relationships exist within me. It gave me the tools and courage to step out again into relating with myself and others, having a clearer understanding of what I do to prevent intimacy in my life and what I can do to support myself in taking steps towards real and honest intimacy, as my heart truly longs for.

Bringing more intimacy into my life

During this course I got a deeper understanding of my parents’ relationship and the example they set for me growing up of what a relationship is supposed to look like. I got to feel and understand how this dynamic still plays out in my life. Bela has this beautiful ability to help you find your own truth. She helped me connect with this longing I have for intimacy and what I can do to bring more of it into my life.

I was so pleased to

I was so pleased to be able to relax and let go. Nothing to do and in the end, friends we’re commenting how relaxed and healthy I looked. Honestly, I didn’t know anything about self-hypnosis and it’s so great to see the benefits each day. Walking in the garden with fresh eyes – Incredible!”

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