My older one

My older one used to have tantrums and misbehave. He was competing for attention with his younger brother who is 7 months old. We didn’t know very well how to manage it. Now, I spend time with him just being present as you have suggested. I have observed that he is now calmer. His tantrums are now very rare and he is showing more affection for his little brother.
My mother-in-law is visiting us, and she doesn’t know that I’m doing this. Today she came and said, “I’m noticing the kid (the older one) is calmer, haven’t you? Has something happened? Maybe he is growing up.” 🙂

very comforting

Self-hypnosis for meditation did me a lot of good. It was relaxing and comforting.
I continue with it every morning now.
It helps me.

OMG !!!

What a powerful course!
And I needed that so much. Just got out of surgery, in a lot of physical pain and emotional trauma. Meeting regularly for the entire week I could feel the support from other participants even if we were not talking to each others. My body healed rapidly. The most important thing for me is the transformation from victim to master, fully enjoying the resonance through out my body, through out every aspects of my life.
Thank you !thank you !thank you!

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