Do not miss the course.

Do not miss the course. I found this course very profound and energizing. The tutor was excellent and guide us to understand more your body and how we can calm it with different exercises of relaxation.
I really appreciate her know how and I am sure it will bring me excellent results after it.

Hello ,The session was wonderful

Hello, the session was wonderful. I have explored my inner world more in this 7 days with Aditi. I actually wanted explore the Hypnosis for my inner journey but was not able to reach out until now. And with this session I have experienced something which makes me sharper and joyful, so again I would say it was a lively course and beautiful experience. The provided packages and suggestions are of a great heal to continue on my own. I have got the way out further in this time ….. Thank you and more and more love and gratitude :).

Living OSHO Bardo

The online Bardo Training presents an exceptional opportunity for me to deepen my experience and understanding of Osho’s vision on living and dying, through the love, heart, and years of experience shared by Maneesha and Sudheer. They created a space where I could explore myself, learn from others and and be guided on a variety of subjects and meditations. I will use this experience for myself and to help or assist others in their proces of dying and death. To share that with people from all over the world, different backgrounds and cultures is a true exploration.

Testimonial OSHO Bardo Online Training with Maneesha and Sudheer

What a profound course, rich in Osho’s vision, insights and meditations! Maneesha and Sudheer are experienced and loving facilitators of this process. The discussion and sharing with other group participants from all over the world was also invaluable.
I was in a period of transition in my life and this online course was of tremendous support. As well, I now feel much more equipped to support myself and others practically and lovingly in the process of dying/death.
This remembrance of living and dying in each moment has brought an intensity, totality and sacred depth to my life. Much gratitude.

Deeper and precious learning

It was a deep experience and I learned a lot how to support my own death or others. I went through some fear and found out I have now more courage to face death and to live my life in the moment.

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