Osho Bardo Training

I am delighted to have participated in OSHO Bardo Training with Maneesha and Sudheer. All through these 5 weekends, there have been countless sharings, processes and meditations, all of them allowing me to bring a deep understanding of this important moment of my life. I was not only facing my own death, but also the death of loved ones and how to be with dying people, how best to accompany them. We all had our hearts wide open to be able to touch very deep spaces that also provoked a transformative inner process in-between the training days. Maneesha and Sudheer create a loving space.

An absolute essential course for seekers.

This course is an absolute essential for everybody. It not only covers practical aspects of living and dying consciously but also gives many techniques to deal with most complicated cases around death. It is a great opportunity to explore hidden mysteries. Big thanks to Maneesha and Sudheer for all their efforts and initiatives towards the subject.

The OSHO Bardo training course is a natural and very important training for an issue we often don’t address.

The Bardo zoom training course is a natural and very important training for an issue we often don’t talk about. To consciously address this issues are so important and depending… I love the way our facilitator’s Manseesha and Sudheer guided in a perfect blend, Module by module. Me myself happened to get a heart attack in the middle of the training so for me to have this group and suport was such a divine gift beyond it all.
I highly recommend this process to all. A deepening meditation and acceptance process.

I’m immensely thankful

I’m immensely thankful for the opportunity to participate in this training. Sudheer and Maneesha, as masters in their field, have provided a precious gift by offering their guidance online. These weekends have granted me invaluable clarity on various facets of the dying process. Through this journey, I’ve gained awareness, deeper comprehension, and enhanced compassion for those facing the end of life. I now have a clearer understanding of my preferences for my end-of-life care, which brings me a sense of peace.
I’m grateful to all the participants and their precious contributions.

The Self-Hypnosis course was amazing!

The Self-Hypnosis course was amazing! Before, I found meditation difficult, and tried to stop my thoughts every time. This is a very simple technique to relax, just lying down, following the instructions and that’s it. The posthypnotic suggestions can be used to improve any parts of my life — including meditation! 100% recommended.

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