I had experienced Self-Hypnosis before

I had experienced Self-Hypnosis before but this time it was very powerful. The suggestions that were made were clear and simple and relaxation and trance came more quickly and more deeply than ever before. And most important of all has been the changes in my everyday life, more calm, more relaxed, more clear and more rested. I couldn’t have asked for more!

Self Hypnosis with Anil

I had experienced Self-Hypnosis before but this time with Anil was very powerful. There is a tendency for my mind to look for ways to keep the clutter going, (not surprisingly). The way Anil proposes the suggestions were very clear and simple. Relaxation came more quickly and trance time passed very fast.

OSHO No-Mind is for me so wonderfully simple and powerful

So wonderfully simple and powerful.
OSHO No-Mind is for me so wonderfully simple and powerful at the same time. Liberating to throw out garbage that seems to accumulate without me knowing. The first experience was like getting rid of a headache I had gotten so used to that I’d forgotten I had it.

It was such an easy thing to do

It was such an easy thing to do.
No thinking required, just let go and it was such a release, I felt such an incredible space inside. I still remember how fresh everything felt walking out and feeling as if the sun was shining on me for the first time.

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