Cancellation Policy

How do I cancel? What happens when I cancel?

Please read this

The details are below. Please read them carefully. All our sessions, classes, and courses have one purpose and that is to support meditation. Your session, class, or course is personal and educational and is not therapy, treatment, medicine, or diagnosis.

Mindfulness is self-acceptance, understanding, awareness, witnessing. To make it more clear – in these meetings your Facilitator is not your doctor, therapist, or psychologist even if they have such qualifications. Your Facilitator is not there to ‘fix’ you or make you well.  If you have a medical or psychological condition, please speak to your health adviser.

Below is our Cancellation Policy. Click to go to our Terms & Conditions

Cancellation Policy

When can I cancel a booking?

You can cancel up to 24 hours before. After that there is no refund.

How do I cancel a booking?

  • Go to MY BOOKINGS and select the CANCEL button next to the meeting
  • Confirm and provide a brief reason

What happens when I cancel a booking?

MY BOOKINGS will be updated  and you will receive two email confirmations

  • First you will get your cancellation email from Osho International Online
  • Then you will get a confirmation from Zoom that you have been deregistered from the meeting. Your Zoom link will not work, and you cannot join the meeting.

If you used credit

You can purchase credit from the MY BOOKINGS page and then decide what you want to book. Credit can be used for any course, class, session, event, or Meditation Day. This reduces the number of times you need to use your credit card. Credit must be used within 12 months.

When you cancel a booking, the credit applied will be returned to your account instantly. We do not deduct any administrative fees. Next time you go to MY BOOKINGS you will see the credit balance updated.

Example: You bought €100 of credit from the MY BOOKINGS page. You then booked a session for €80.  You decided to cancel rather than change the date. We will apply a credit of €80 to your account so your balance is back to €100. Credit must be used within 12 months.

Tip: Did you know you can modify Classes and Sessions up to 24 hours before? Just click the MY BOOKINGS  | MODIFY button and pick another suitable date and time.

How do I get a refund if I used a credit/debit card or PayPal?

Meditation Days and Events costing up to €20

In accordance with our Terms & Conditions there are no cash refunds.  Please forward your cancellation email from Osho International Online and we will apply a credit to your account that you can use for any course, Meditation Day, class, or session. The credit is valid for one year.  Once the credit is added you will see it on the MY BOOKINGS page. Next time you book, the credit will be deducted until you have a zero balance again. Please allow up to 14 days for the credit to appear.

Example: You paid €20 using a Debit Card. On request, we will apply a credit of €20 to your account.

Courses and Sessions costing over €20

Forward a copy of your cancellation email from Osho International Online to and let us know which choice you prefer:

  • A credit that you can use for any course, Meditation Day, class, and session valid for one year. If you choose a credit, we will give you an extra credit of €10 on your first cancellation. Once the credit is added you will see it on the MY BOOKINGS.  Next time you book, the credit will be deducted until you have a zero balance again.
  • Alternatively, you can have a refund back onto your card less €10 to cover administration and credit card fees in accordance with our Terms & Conditions. Please allow up to 28 days for the credit to appear.

Example: you paid using PayPal for a course that costs €75.  On request, you can have a cash refund of €65 or a credit of €85 on the first cancellation and €75 afterwards.

If you have any questions about our Cancellation Policy please email quoting your reservation ID (which starts with the letter R), your full name, and the email address you use to login to Osho International Online.

last updated 3rd January 2021

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