OSHO Trauma Healing

LIVE Online Course – Sat & Sun, 3 hours a day

Beyond trauma – a life of freedom

Osho course image

“Medicine heals the body, meditation heals your soul. But their function is the same – healing.”  Osho

Allowing the body to fully process trauma
This Trauma Healing course can help you to clear your bodymind of the shocks that accumulated when you were unable to process the energy of certain events in a natural way – in situations where you felt overwhelmed and disempowered.
In an atmosphere of meditation, love and respect, we use the techniques of Somatic Experiencing® to provide an emotionally safe space from which the energy of traumatic events can be safely and carefully reexperienced and released from the bodymind.


“And we have to change that trauma. Otherwise humanity is going to remain the same – always afraid of the unknown, fearful, not courageous, not looking for adventure, not looking for and discovering new spaces.”  Osho

Trauma avoidance only makes things worse

We often try to manage unresolved trauma through medication, self-medication with addictions, or by intellectualizing our emotions and projecting our pain externally into various “causes”. But the effects of trauma remain in the nervous system and continue to run our lives. Real healing from trauma arises only from the inner work of transformation through awareness.

Regaining self-trust, coming home

Traumatic events impair our ability to trust in existence. Even more devastating, our self-trust is undermined. Without this trust in ourselves and our own instincts and perceptions, we are adrift and remain open to further trauma. In this course you will learn to trust yourself again and learn how to nurture your own self trust through meditation and the alchemical practice of witnessing.

“You were trying everything to remove the misery, but it was caused by your unawareness, by your unconsciousness, by your ignorance of your own being. That was the cause. And unless that cause is removed, you will never have a taste of blissfulness, of ecstasy, of immortality, of the divineness of existence.”  Osho

Symptoms of buried trauma

  • Issues around trust, particularly self-trust
  • The obsessive need for control
  • Panic attacks
  • Hypervigilance
  • Feeling overly responsible – high levels of self-blame
  • Unreasonable attempts to rescue others
  • Difficulty with relationships and attachment
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Feelings of worthlessness and ongoing depression
  • High levels of conflict avoidance
  • Eating disorders and/or self-harm
  • Constantly feeling like a victim and overreacting to perceived slights

Regaining trust will transform your reality

Trust is an inner eye. Just as the two outer eyes are for seeing the universe, there is a third eye inside of you whose name is trust. With this eye of trust the divine is seen. The eye of trust means the eye of love. There are some things which only love can know. There is no other way to know them. If you love someone you will see certain things in the person that no one else will see. You will see in that person a sweetness that no one else can see. That sweetness is delicate and the touch of love is needed for it, only then is it revealed.  Osho


Trauma Healing will teach you the following:

  • To develop a new, healthier relationship with your bodymind and emotions
  • To release blocked energy and become more alive and flowing
  • Techniques for use in situations that would normally trigger shock or shame, so that you can process them easily and naturally and return to inner balance
  • How to access your own inbuilt alchemical superpower – witnessing – to transmute trauma into awareness and joy
  • The confidence to accept that life’s challenges are not a sign that life is victimizing you, but a gift from existence that helps you to grow in awareness and love
  • To master the knack of remaining centered when life throws you a curveball


  • A LIVE online weekend course. Saturday and Sunday. Three hours each day
  • Various techniques to bring awareness and insight to your trauma based issues
  • Practical awareness tools for everyday life
  • Group processes and group sharing
  • Osho quotes and insights into meditation and witnessing as a path to freedom
  • Q&A sessions with the therapist
  • OSHO Active Meditations
  • Directions regarding OSHO Meditations that may support you at this stage of your journey

OSHO Dynamic, OSHO Kundalini Meditation and the OSHO Evening Meeting are essential parts of any course booked on OIO and if you haven’t already done so, please make sure you have subscribed to iOSHO prior to the course starting. Once subscribed you will be able to do the meditations in the time and place suggested by the facilitator. Currently there is a free, 7-day trial, available. If the course you’ve booked is longer than 7 days, we suggest that you subscribe for one month.


Course approach

  • Issues

About Richa


After graduating with an MA in psychology, Richa has spent the last many years specializing in trauma healing work. Inspired by the quest for inner transformation and having grown up in the climate of meditation, Richa includes Osho’s meditations and insights in her work. With this unique combination, she is particularly able to support the physical and emotional well-being of her clients.

More about Richa

“As you start looking inwards, you are amazed: you were ignoring yourself, and that was the trouble. That was why you were in misery, anxiety, suffering. You were trying everything to remove the misery, but it was caused by your unawareness, by your unconsciousness, by your ignorance of your own being. That was the cause. And unless that cause is removed, you will never have a taste of blissfulness, of ecstasy, of immortality, of the divineness of existence.” - Osho

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