Every month we have a regular program of OSHO Meditative Therapies. The start times rotate through four time zones to make the program accessible to everyone, no matter where you are in the world. Click on the titles below to see what is coming up.
OSHO Meditations – Revolutionary Approaches for Contemporary People
First Sunday of each month.
Osho represents a revolution in making meditation, mindfulness, awareness, consciousness… in fact the simple proposition of turning up for your own life, available for contemporary people.
The first steps in meditation are the OSHO Active Meditations and the OSHO Evening Meeting. Once we have discovered the “knack” of observing first the body and then the mind, with its thoughts and feelings, then we can take this with us into our daily lives. Then whatever is happening can be a meditative experience. You can sit silently or run silently, work silently or play silently, whether you are alone or with others.
Read more about OSHO Meditation Days
OSHO Active Meditations In-Depth
“Before you start doing a technique, be fully alert that you have understood it. Each technique is for bringing about a revolution in you. First try to understand the technique absolutely rightly.” Osho
Your approach to meditation, and your understanding of the key points of each meditation, can make all the difference – in your experience and to the benefits you take away.
In this course we will put a lot of focus on the in-depth science and content of the OSHO meditations, and on the best way to get the most out of them. You will deepen your understanding of the meditations you already know and get to know others that you have not yet explored. The days are informative, experiential, and fun.
OSHO No-Mind
“No-mind simply allows you to be natural. It gives you an opportunity to be natural, to be relaxed, to be at ease – no guilt, no inhibition, no suppression. Nature is accepted in its totality, it becomes your very heart, your very being.” Osho
OSHO No-Mind is a powerful Meditative therapy that Osho created. It consists of an hour of gibberish followed by an hour of sitting silently.
Gibberish is a cathartic technique which encourages expressive sounds and body movements. The more total you are the more effective it is. To speak gibberish means to speak in nonsense words, as Osho says “using any language that you don’t know.”
The mind thinks in terms of words. Gibberish helps to break this pattern of continual verbalization. It allows thoughts to be thrown out rather than repressed, leaving the mind empty and silent.
Read more about OSHO No-Mind
OSHO Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language
of Talking to Your BodyMind
“The body will never misguide you, you can trust it, and you can trust it absolutely. Anything that goes against the body is forced upon you by others. That is a good criterion to find out what has been forced on you. Whatever goes against the body is forced on you, it is foreign. You should throw it out.” Osho
Osho Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your BodyMind is a guided one-week process, lasting a little over one hour per day. You can then, if you like, continue with the process on your own.
Whatever happens in the mind is reflected in the body – any conflict or anxiety, any conditioned body-negative attitude enters the body and causes energetic blocks and tensions there, which then appear as physical problems.
The symptoms and issues we are struggling with are usually held in place by unconscious, artificial mechanisms, learned for the best of reasons in our very early life and then forgotten. Instead of being our own best friend and trusting the innate wisdom of our body and mind, we have learned to become a “house divided against itself.”
You can use the process for specific issues, such as smoking, eating imbalances, insomnia, aches and pains, unhealthy behaviors – anything that needs to be brought back to its natural wholeness and balance.
Read more about OSHO Talking to your BodyMind
OSHO Self-Hypnosis for Meditation
“The day you can hypnotize yourself is a great day; something valuable has been achieved. Then you can do miracles with it, upon yourself. You can change things that you have always been trying to change; but the more you try to change them, the more difficult it becomes.” Osho
OSHO Self-Hypnosis is a 7-day guided trance process, lasting a little over one hour per day in which you will learn how to relax yourself into self-hypnosis. You will learn how to use the mind to harness the power of the unconscious and to enhance healing, increase creativity and bring a greater sense of relaxation and playfulness into your life.
Do you ever make a resolution to meditate more, then, looking back a few days later realize that it didn’t happen? Maybe you’ve even found some excuse not to meditate whenever the idea of meditation arose? Or, having forced yourself to sit silently, you found yourself feeling resentful and rebellious as you watched your mind go wandering off all over the place? And so, another resolution. Perhaps written into a schedule this time.
Read more about OSHO Self-Hypnosis for Meditation