Oma was 23 years old when she fell in love with OSHO Active Meditations. At first, she went through a personal therapeutic process and later received trainings in those therapeutic skills that she is using today. Her interest is in learning the art of bringing awareness and meditativeness into daily life and into work situations.
During her first training years, Oma focused on deepening her understanding of the connection between body and psyche. Her longing was to learn to touch someone not only by one’s hands with the physical body, but also meeting the Inner through heart and awareness. She experienced that when one allows oneself to deeply rest inside while interacting mentally or physically, the meeting of two beings can happen. In such a climate — while working with personal issues — love for one’s life and one’s truth is inspired and nourished.
Currently living in Germany, Oma is part of the medical and therapeutic team in a clinic for psychotherapy and psychosomatic issues. Oma’s responsibilities are interventions in integrated bodywork and counseling, as well as facilitation of meditations and classes in stress-management and relaxation techniques. She also takes care of diagnostic, psychometric tests that help to fine-tune the individual’s therapeutic process. Besides working with people, she is intrigued by the science of psychology and has recently become involved in a research project on trauma and depression organized by Stanford University (USA).
She holds a B.Sc. in Psychology from Fern Universität in Hagen, Germany. She is also trained in bodywork (OSHO Psychic Massage and OSHO Breath), in counseling, OSHO Meditative Therapies (OSHO No-Mind, OSHO Mystic Rose and OSHO Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your BodyMind), and OSHO Self-Hypnosis for Meditation.
Counseling Psychology
OSHO Body-Mind Balancing
Also experienced in:
Body Tension Release, Career Counseling, Coaching, Commitment Issues, Communication Issues, Emotional Release, Energy Healing/Chakras, Everyday Life Issues, Family Issues, Forgiveness, Grief, Hypnosis for Meditation, Hypnosis for Relaxation, Inner Man, Inner Woman, Love/Dating/Conscious Relating, Self-esteem Issues, Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, Stress Release, Workplace Issues.
“I have tremendously enjoyed the atmosphere in my individual session with Oma. It helped me to open up and share about my heartfelt issues. Thank you for those spaces of relaxation and silence.“
Jessica, Germany
“With sensitivity and intuition I have felt Oma’s approach while assisting me to find insight to my issue using the well-known principle of the inner masculinity and femininity in a new way.“
Annette, Germany
“Simply enjoying and letting go into a new playful, nourishing wave of energy, Oma’s work allowed me to drop insecurity; I just feel more free to express myself.“
Florian, Germany

Oma’s Courses and Individual Sessions