Turiya is an experienced bodymind trainer, Feldenkrais practitioner, hypnotherapist, meditation facilitator and published author who has been working in the field of bodymind integration and meditation for 25 years. She is a facilitator of the OSHO Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your BodyMind and OSHO Self-Hypnosis for Meditation as well as a trainer for OSHO Active Meditations: In-Depth and OSHO Active Meditations Facilitator Training.
For as long as she can remember, Turiya has been interested in “how one can help oneself feel at home in the body and good in one’s own skin.” This curiosity has been present throughout her life and is reflected in the body awareness and meditation-based work called “BodyWareness” which she has developed over the years. With warmth of heart, reality consciousness and know-how, she encourages clients, workshop participants, and trainees to become familiar and confident with their inner world and to express it authentically in harmony with the body.
In a straight-forward, yet heartwarming way, Turiya also works with people to address health problems, injuries, or major stress. No matter what the issue, be it pain, exhaustion, mental overload, sleeplessness, anxiety, migraines, burn-out or lack of fulfillment, she encourages clients to find their own way through the situation using the body’s perception as a guide.
Centering/Grounding Techniques
OSHO Body-Mind Balancing
Also experienced in:
Anxiety, Body Awareness, Body Tension Release, Breathing Issues, Conscious Movement/Self-expression, Health Conditions, OSHO Active Meditations, Pain Management, Self-esteem Issues, Sleeping Issues, Stress Release, Women’s Issues.
“Thank you for your skilled, gentle and inviting way to lead the OSHO Feldenkrais Awareness course. It was a pleasure to listen to your explanations and instructions, I loved the background you gave and the quiet atmosphere you created during these hours. I felt that you really are embodying the effortlessness and kindness of the Feldenkrais Method.”
Alia L., United States
“I enjoyed every bit of your session. It is as if you have given me a new body and a much healthier way of coping with my weight. I neither feel heavy anymore nor do I criticise my body for not being “perfect”. What a remarkable experience! It was definitely an eye opener … a kind of a moment when everything stopped and turned.”
Anita Tänzer, Germany
“Dear Turiya, you won’t believe it. I have been sleeping all nights through since our Body Awareness session. No tiredness in the morning anymore but higher energy. Thank you so much!”
Riksha Chowdwari, United Kingdom

Turiya’s Courses and Individual Sessions