OSHO BodyLove for Women

A LIVE online Course – Sat & Sun, 3 hours a day

Self-love: the basis of all possible love

Osho course image

A course designed for women.

“If you love, you will go on showering yourself, you will go on nourishing yourself.”  Osho

Osho tells us that the journey to fulfilment starts with the body and that once we have established tranquility in the body, the mind can relax and become tranquil too. We will use this time together as women to create an atmosphere of love and trust where we can reconnect with our bodies in acceptance and celebration.


Embracing ourselves as sensuous beings

”Yes, when you are sensuous God is available; all the mysteries are close by, because that is the only way to know the mysterious. Sensuousness means you are open, your doors are open, you are ready to throb with existence. If a bird starts singing, the sensuous person immediately feels the song echoed in his deepest core of being.”  Osho

Your beauty is innate, meet with it, celebrate it, reawaken your natural self-love with the support of the other women in the course.
To be fully alive means to embrace all our senses, so we will explore special meditation techniques for women, that are ways of moving into our bodily energies with deep love – embracing ourselves as sensuous beings.

Increasing awareness brings spontaneous self-nurturance

“…you have to be conscious inside yourself. And the first effect will be that you will be nice to yourself. The first ripple of being conscious is being nice to oneself, the first ripple of consciousness is self-love.”  Osho

Once we love ourselves, life takes on a whole new dimension and the quality of self nurturance arises naturally. Self-love and meditation go hand in hand, and from the space of clarity that arises with our meditations we will explore your body’s particular needs and come up with easy ways for you to incorporate self nurturing practices into your daily life.


Do you feel at home in the beautiful body existence has given you?
Do you feel grateful for each and every day you are alive? If not, it is time to do something about it – and here’s your opportunity.

“When you are in love with yourself you bloom. Love nourishes you, you respect yourself. You feel the grace of existence, you feel grateful that you have been created, you feel uniquely benefited, you feel blessed. And then the overflowing; then the fragrance starts spreading to the winds.”  Osho


You will learn and experience:

  • Techniques that help you stay in contact with your self-love
  • To respect, and be aware of, your body’s energy responses, so you can respond to life in ways that are in harmony with your inner being
  • Ways of allowing self nurturance into your life, simply and easily
  • Self-healing methods to help you shed the hurts of the past and celebrate your innate beauty
  • How relaxing your body naturally relaxes your mind

In this caring supportive environment, you will have the opportunity to experience the truth that you are magnificent beyond comprehension, just as you are.


BodyLove for Women consists of the following:

  • A program of self-nurturance for your daily life
  • Q&A sessions with the therapist
  • Directions regarding OSHO Meditations that may help you at this stage of your journey
  • Group sharing

OSHO Dynamic, OSHO Kundalini Meditation and the OSHO Evening Meeting are essential parts of any course booked on OIO and if you haven’t already done so, please make sure you have subscribed to iOSHO prior to the course starting. Once subscribed you will be able to do the meditations in the time and place suggested by the facilitator. Currently there is a free, 7-day trial, available. If the course you’ve booked is longer than 7 days, we suggest that you subscribe for one month.


Course approach

  • Body

Meet Your Facilitator - Kimaya


Kimaya is a holistic therapist, facilitator and trainer in the field of bodymind, energy work and meditation with more than 25 years of experience.

Though focused on love and awareness, Kimaya has a unique approach based on body-oriented therapy, subtle energy work and above all, meditation.

More about Kimaya

“Sensuousness is your very life. That is the difference between you and a stone – because the stone is not sensuous. The more sensuous you are, the more alive you are. And if your whole energy is released in loving, in being playfully sensuous without holding yourself back, without any fear – there is nothing to be afraid of. Sensuousness is one of the greatest blessings to humanity; it is your sensitivity, it is your consciousness; consciousness filtering through the body is what sensuousness is.” - Osho

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