OSHO A Journey from Fear to Love

LIVE Online Course – Sat & Sun, 3 hours a day

Transform your fear into love and trust – open to life

Osho course image

“Without love, fear is bound to be there. It is just an absence of love.”  Osho

This is an alchemical journey of feeling, healing, balancing, and harmonizing the energetic centers of your bio-energy field. A Journey from Fear to Love uses a trance technique, Transomatic Dialogue, to guide you into a state of relaxation at the deepest level. This depth of relaxation takes you beyond the energy structures that lock your fear in place and allows it to be safely re-experienced, unwound and released into the free-flowing energy of love.

The magic of acceptance

Conscious movement together with breath, group sharing and partnered exercises help you to integrate this powerful experience. We create a space to celebrate the love that naturally emerges when we simply acknowledge our fears, and accept them, without judgment.
As we learn to relax into our innate loving nature, we discover tremendous inner resources of strength and creativity.

Non-judgmental witnessing is alchemical – as Osho explains:
“If you witness anything – fear, anger, hate – it will disappear, leaving a tremendous amount of energy in you which you can use for creativity.”


From conformity to the freedom of spontaneous flow
We have learned to repress our instinctual feelings and these repressions form barriers that block the natural flow of our life energy. Our lives become small and unadventurous, hemmed in and contracted – ruled by unease and fear.

An experience of harmony, freedom and love

A Journey from Fear to Love will open you to a transformational experience of living and loving fully. Allowing your natural energies to flow freely brings a taste of bliss to your daily life and deepens the love you give to yourself and others. Experience yourself as a complete being, balanced, harmonious and uniquely yourself.


  • To remove the barriers that block the flow of your natural life energies
  • Ways of connecting to your life essence and your love of self
  • The knack of allowing the heart chakra to open and remain open
  • Meditation techniques to transform fear into bliss, love, and trust


  • A LIVE online weekend course. Saturday and Sunday. Approximately 3 hours a day
  • Directions regarding OSHO Meditations that may support you at this stage of your journey
  • Group sharing
  • Q&A with the therapist

OSHO Dynamic, OSHO Kundalini Meditation and the OSHO Evening Meeting are essential parts of any course booked on OIO and if you haven’t already done so, please make sure you have subscribed to iOSHO prior to the course starting. Once subscribed you will be able to do the meditations in the time and place suggested by the facilitator. Currently there is a free, 7-day trial, available. If the course you’ve booked is longer than 7 days, we suggest that you subscribe for one month.


Meet Your Facilitator - Dhyan


Dhyan’s passion for authentic transformation has brought her deeply into different kinds of work in the world of well-being. An experienced meditator and facilitator, with more than 20 years of experience, she has been trained in and facilitates many different courses in the mind-body domain. Her particular skills are psychological counseling, art therapy, hypnosis, and meditation. All of these enhance her primary offering, which is to help people bring relaxation and awareness into their daily lives.

More about Dhyan


“Everybody’s life, more or less, is governed by fear because there are only two ways to live life. Either it can be governed by love, or it can be governed by fear. Ordinarily, unless you have learned to love, it is governed by fear. Without love, fear is bound to be there. It is just an absence of love. It has nothing positive in it; it is just the absence of love. But if you can love, fear disappears. In the moment of love there is not even death.” - Osho

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