Grief, Loss & Separation
Individual online session

“Time heals all wounds” we are told when we are in grief, suffering loss – of someone we love, or of our pet, or of part of ourself – or separated. But, even if that is true, what to do in the meantime? How to come to terms with such experiences when we feel that our whole world has stopped? – or when the rest of the world continues, completely oblivious to how shattered we feel? How to move on in life when there seems to be no meaning anymore? When we can’t imagine ever being happy again?
Friends or family members, to whom we might otherwise turn to in a time a crisis, may themselves feel helpless in the light of what you are going through. And: we are all unique in our experiences, and so one way to address pain may work for some of us, a completely different approach for others. Talking with a counselor enables us to open ourselves to someone by whom we will not feel judged, and who has the skills and experience to help us find a way through our pain. That way may include consciously releasing our feelings; being able to just “be with” whatever is; internally observing the passage of conflicting emotions; discovering the learning in what has happened and how it is affecting us and, by and by, growing in understanding… even to the point of viewing what has happened as a gift.
List of available session facilitators


Maneesha’s sessions – on meditation, all life-related issues and those around dying – are based on her over 47 years’ experience of meditation. In addition, she spent seven years in Osho’s evening meetings (“darshan”), observing and recording his conversations with seekers from all over the world. This unique opportunity provided her with a passion for experimenting with meditative techniques and was also an invaluable learning in responding to a vast range of issues from a meditative perspective.
The experience of twenty-five years as an international, meditation-based, course facilitator continues to broaden her understanding, love, and respect for those she works with.
In addition, as a qualified psychotherapist, she has gained an added awareness of the human psyche, along with skills in creating rapport and supporting her clients in finding their way to clarity and understanding.
See what Maneesha is currently offering
Counseling Psychology
Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness
OSHO Bardo
Also experienced in:
Anger Management, Death Related Issues, Everyday Life Issues, Grief, OSHO Active Meditations, Self-esteem Issues, Stress Release, Workplace Issues.
“I have had both individual sessions and been a participant in courses lead by Maneesha. In our one-on-one work her relaxed presence held me in a safe space, which allowed me to intimately explore my own issues. Her presence gave me the capacity to have compassion for myself. Maneesha truly embodies an unconditional, loving awareness laced with wisdom, truth and beauty. Within the group process I still remember Maneesha’s ability to embrace everyone in the group equally. I have been involved in many courses over the past thirty years, with many group leaders, and Maneesha’s courses are at the very top of my list for the quality, intention, care and understanding that she shares so abundantly.”
Rajan, United Kingdom
“I was translator for the many sessions Maneesha conducted in Japan. It was a unique and precious experience. Clients came with different reasons and needs – such a diversity. With each one she was just there with a clear presence, open and joyfully listening to them and then often suggesting a meditation technique or method as needed. The suggestions were all very simple and basic, yet clearly going amazingly deep, which looked quite magical. Her trust in her clients and in existence is absolute. Even with challenging clients she was so relaxed and unhesitatingly able to cut through the mental cobwebs. Sometimes the three of us had tears of joy and gratitude. What a blessing! Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.”
Ajita, Japan
“To me Maneesha is a gem, a rare person who still continues Osho’s work, for which I am grateful. I worked on my relationship with my parents, especially with my father. Maneesha was very kind and loving, listening to me patiently, asking questions which helped me to see what it was that was unconsciously prodding me into anger, hatred etc. Maneesha genuinely felt for me and followed up with me even from Australia. This really helped me immensely as I needed this attention during that time. Something has changed in the way I relate with my parents. I feel unburdened as somehow, mysteriously, I am openly communicating my deeper processes to my parents. This has helped me go deeper in my meditation in my life and to stand up for myself.”
Satya Subod, India


Nadeen is the director of the Osho Institute for Meditative Living and has worked as an Osho session giver and facilitator for over 30 years. He trained to facilitate OSHO Active Meditations as well as the OSHO Meditative Therapies: OSHO Mystic Rose, OSHO No-Mind and OSHO Born Again.
He is also certified in Hypnosis (Childhood Liberation, Reliving Past Lives), Breath work, Family Constellation, Esoteric Sciences (OSHO Prana Healing, Energy Reading, Reiki Master, Subtle Body Healing), Kinesiology, OSHO Awareness Intensive: Who Is In? and various bodywork techniques.
40 years ago, Nadeen started his own international business which he continues running successfully to this day. Through his experience in the inner world as well as in the marketplace he developed a deep understanding and passion for supporting people to connect with their hearts and to bring awareness and meditation into their personal and professional lives.
See what Nadeen is currently offering
Counseling Psychology
Energy Healing
Relationship Counseling
Also experienced in:
Abandonment, Career Counseling, Childhood Deconditioning, Coaching, Communication Issues, Compassion Fatigue, Death Related Issues, Energy Healing/Chakras, Everyday Life Issues, Family Issues, Forgiveness, Grief, Guilt/Shame, Hypnosis for Relaxation, Inner Child Therapy, Inner Critic/Judgments, Inner Man, Inner Woman, Love/Dating/Conscious Relating, Men’s Issues, OSHO Active Meditations, Past Life Regression, Self-esteem Issues, Tarot Reading, Workplace Issues.
“I met Nadeen in his course. I love the space he creates, without intervention, everything is good, no judgement. And I enjoyed the flow in the moment. Since the course I am more connected with my heart. In the sessions, he sees clearly my conflict and how it is forming. His questions are like an arrow right to the point, but gentle. No matter how I react or response, through his presence I can see more clearly, and something opens in me. All the processes helped me to open my vulnerability easily, and my life became more joyful and light.”
Dara, China
“I have been working with Nadeen since the start of this year. Nadeen has an amazing way of getting me to think of the situations that we discuss in a way I hadn’t thought about. My sessions with him have helped me to create more space from my emotions. I have more space from my mind and see situations more clearly which gives me a lot more freedom. He is gentle and caring and hence I feel safe in my sessions with him. I am grateful to have found him.”
Kapila, United Kingdom
“Nadeen is a facilitator and session giver, with many skills. He is sensitive to subtle feelings and energies; he approached my issues with a wide-open heart. His sessions are a great healing process. He leads me very gently, and deeply into the issue. I feel safe, cared for and accepted for who I am. I feel an enormous gratitude to him for that, how he generously and delicately shares his experience, knowledge and understanding. His sessions support me to become more free, honest and stronger.”
Tanya Shakti, Russia


Sudheer has been a meditator for over 50 years and has a gentleness that makes him very relaxing to be around.
His first experience of OSHO Dynamic Meditation was at the age of 21 and he has experimented with all the OSHO meditations and many meditations from The Book of Secrets by Osho.
As a teenager Sudheer was fascinated by the big questions: What is life? What is death? – his favorite book at that time was The Tibetan Book of the Dead, a kind of guidebook for the afterlife.
After studying philosophy, he realized that what he was seeking was not to be found in words, so he moved into working closely with people, training as a general and psychiatric nurse.
Sudheer is also trained in Hypnosis, Self-Hypnosis and NLP and is experienced in helping people accept death consciously and joyfully. He is especially interested in using Hypnosis to deepen meditation and to deal with end-of-life issues – he is one of the co-creators of the OSHO Bardo, a guided meditative process for everyday use and for preparing for death.
Sudheer also travelled the world facilitating meditation courses in such places as Taiwan, Japan, Korea, China, Spain, the UK, the Netherlands and the US.
See what Sudheer is currently offering
Counseling Psychology
Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness
OSHO Bardo
Also experienced in:
Abandonment, Addictions, Anger Management, Attachment Issues, Body Tension Release, Childhood Trauma, Coaching, Communication Issues, Compassion Fatigue, Connecting with your Creativity, Death Related Issues, DeHypnosis for Meditation, Everyday Life Issues, Forgiveness, Grief, Guilt/Shame, Hypnosis for Life Issues, Hypnosis for Meditation, Hypnosis for Relaxation, Inner Critic/Judgments, Inner Man, Inner Woman, Love/Dating/Conscious Relating, Men’s Issues, OSHO Active Meditations, OSHO Facilitator Evaluation, Parenting Issues, Self-esteem Issues, Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, Stress Release, Trauma Healing, Workplace Issues, Young Adult Issues.
“It is a delight to be with Sudheer. He brings a unique quality of meditation that seems to be so deep, gentle and easy that it lights up the room and everyone in it. He has a delicious sense of humor, and a capacity to lead us into profound spaces where understanding and transformation can happen as if by themselves.”
Pankaja, Film maker, United Kingdom
“I attended the Sammasati training, which was co-facilitated by Sudheer. The course was an opportunity to explore our fears about death and dying in a safe and supportive environment, and to learn skills in supporting others who are dying. I am a nurse working in a hospice, and so this course was very relevant to me professionally as well as personally and has enabled me to work with patients with greater courage and creativity. I found Sudheer to be a very skilled facilitator, he is truly authentic, and creates an environment within which participants feel safe and nurtured whilst exploring subjects which may be challenging. Sudheer shares his passion and enthusiasm for this work with warmth and humor. He is knowledgeable and experienced and inspires group members to trust and have confidence in his role as facilitator. Sudheer encourages the free sharing of thoughts and feelings, enabling a strong sense of support and community within the group. He also acknowledges and values each person’s contribution in a nurturing way which brings out the best in the participants. Sudheer guided us to keep to the structure and intentions of the course in a gentle and flexible way, and brought a lot of light heartedness, fun and laughter to the group.”
Maggie, Hospice Nurse, United Kingdom
“I have experienced Sudheer co-facilitating many workshops on very challenging subjects and with very challenging group participants. For me, his main quality is that he is always grounded in his own deep experience of meditation. This is his foundation, and he also has a sharp mind, a warm and open heart, and a strong, calm, meditative presence. He doesn’t allow his ego to get in the way. His interventions are always considered, to-the-point and very timely. He was also a fantastic communicator / teacher of meditation methods, of Osho’s wisdom (and this to someone outside that particular tradition, so in a very accessible way), and of relaxation techniques.”
Gillian, Hospice worker, United Kingdom