Darshan went through a long healing process after a serious illness in 1998. As a result, she decided to end her career in the Literature, Language and Communication field, where – among other things – she had been a Professor of Roman Philology, and Head of Informatic, Linguistic and Cultural policies in an intergovernmental organization in Paris. She chose instead to develop and share her skills in body mind spirit healing.
Trained by Bert Hellinger she has been an All-Issues Constellator for over twenty years working with: health, relationships, wealth, inner child, to name but a few.
Darshan studied Psychoanalysis in the Lisbon University and the Sorbonne and is a Master in various different energy healing methods, including the original Reiki from Japan.
She facilitates OSHO® Meditations and OSHO® Meditative Therapies. She has completed the OSHO® Active Meditations Facilitator Training. She has completed Trauma and Akashic Diamond Awareness processes and has also been trained in Emotional Freedom and Stress Release.
As founder and OSHO Center leader in Portugal, she shares her experience with Osho Centers in the USA and Latin America. One of her mottos is “Home is where Osho is.”
Energy Healing
Esoteric Sciences
Family Constellation
Also experienced in:
Abandonment, Attachment Issues, Body Tension Release, Career/Wealth-related Issues, Childhood Trauma, Compassion Fatigue, Emotional Release, Energy Healing/Chakras, Everyday Life Issues, Family Issues, Guilt/Shame, Inner Child Therapy, Love/Dating/Conscious, OSHO Active Meditation, Past Life Regression, Stress Release, Trauma Healing, Workplace Issues.
“I participated in eight of Darshan’s courses as well as individual sessions. She can see through your every problem on the spot. Her course is, in fact, not a course, but rather a dialogue with you. She is a very wise and spiritual woman! She is able to open up your inner mechanisms, and make you aware of your patterns, which helps immensely to change your quality of life. Her “tao” opens up your mind, your vision, and expands your consciousness. You will step up one level, you will blossom.”
Sun, China
“This Family Constellation course was such a healing for my childhood self! Whatever I had believed about my family as a child was not what I saw in this course. The energy between me as a child and other family members has changed. After this three-day course, I went back to Japan. I met my parents, my brother… wow! My father was admitted into hospital. It was an emergency case, but I was not worried. I even felt that this situation happened to give us an opportunity to connect in a new way. I feel more prepared to be independent and to begin working again! A month after my first time in a Family Constellation course, I signed up for another Family Constellation course on career and success issues. Thank you Darshan and all the participants in the course and thank you Osho. The course was not only about constellations – I could feel our hearts were one.”
Hansa, OIMR, Puna, India
“Nothing is the same as it was 8 months ago [when we started the course], and I can simply say that this course has changed my life, and that Darshan has changed my life. I came here with an expectation to get a new direction in my life, and I got it and I got much more than I expected. I have healed a lot; my awareness has expanded considerably. I can now be more present, listen more to my body and intuition. I have learned to observe, to trust and let go, meditation has become an important part of my life. Even my English has improved. I have a valuable toolbox that I can use daily.”
Annika, online course

Darshan’s Courses and Individual Sessions