This training is a doorway to deeper your understanding of Osho Active Meditations

In September I had the opportunity to participate in the OSHO Active Meditations Facilitator Training, this was such an inspiration and full of information and great support training! The guidance was amazing. I liked the way of combining the theory with the deep personal experience, and the space held was perfect for this, even online. I wholeheartedly recommend this training, this is a life-changing experience that will not only enrich your personal practice, but also empower you to guide others on their transformative journey through active meditations.

I already knew the OSHO

I already knew the OSHO Active Meditations and have always liked them. I wanted to know them more thoroughly, both to get more personal benefit from practicing them and to obtain the necessary knowledge and requirements when facilitating them. My ideas about what I was going to learn have been far exceeded.

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