Very much enjoyed this experience

Further more, I expanded my relationship with my body and felt tangible physical benefits from the daily mediations. The instructor’s voice was hypnotic and effective. I plan to continue with this meditation.
I wish there was more to learn from Osho, meaning I wish there were more insights included before the session each day.
Thank you for providing this experience!

OMG !!!

What a powerful course!
And I needed that so much. Just got out of surgery, in a lot of physical pain and emotional trauma. Meeting regularly for the entire week I could feel the support from other participants even if we were not talking to each others. My body healed rapidly. The most important thing for me is the transformation from victim to master, fully enjoying the resonance through out my body, through out every aspects of my life.
Thank you !thank you !thank you!

Thanks to this Course I

Thanks to this Course I could understand more the meaning of Mind” and “Unconscious Mind.” I feel many changes in my life and I can feel stronger how there´s a voice telling me to relax or to act in a way that makes me feel much better.”

“I felt the effects of

“I felt the effects of this meditation after the first day; experiencing relief from sinus pain for half the day instead of throughout… on the third day, I slept through the night pain-free. There is also a deep sense of serenity that flows and rises in waves as if I’m caught in a stream of serenity and joy. I’m just letting it happen.”

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