OSHO Doing Dying Differently

LIVE Online Course – Sat & Sun, 3 hours a day

A meditative approach to dying

Osho course image

The last moment of your life is very decisive. Nothing is more decisive in your whole life.”  Osho

For most of us death is a fearful subject, one we cannot even discuss, and around which we feel impotent and unable to respond. But there is much we can do to understand what dying involves, and to learn to be present in a loving, meditative and supportive way that transforms the entire experience.

We will identify and address the issues that come up when we contemplate our own death, and that may also come up for those we know and love. These will include fear in its various forms, physical pain, attachments to life and to those we love; loss of control, regrets, the search for meaning in the life being left behind and the acceptance of what lies ahead.
We will focus directly on how to maintain a calm, loving presence in the face of another’s death and how to guide the dying person into a space of relaxed awareness.


Preparing for death rightly
Doing Dying Differently is a way to free ourselves of society’s fear-based conditioning around death and dying – through discussion and a meditative approach. Through the experiential approach of meditation, we can have the felt knowing that, if we prepare for death rightly, dying is a time of great potential – as significant as being born. The group approach enables us to benefit from our own and others’ experiences around death.

At ease with death, our own or another’s

Being at ease with death will change our own experience of dying immeasurably. And while this new perspective is valuable in itself, it also means we can offer the most meaningful support to others in their dying.

We will learn to remain serene and relaxed around death and dying, which will enhance our communication and allow us to share this serenity – whether in a professional capacity with our patients, or personally with those we love. To be able to offer this quality of support is a great gift.


  • A new and experiential understanding of death, this most significant of events
  • Practical resources to be with one’s own dying or that of others – including those who may not be familiar with meditation
  • A new appreciation of life; a renewed sense of awe, of joy, and of gratitude


  • A LIVE online weekend course. Saturday and Sunday. Approximately 3 hours a day
  • The experience of being in a loving, supportive environment in order to focus on a subject that most of us avoid
  • Directions regarding OSHO Meditations that may help you at this stage of your journey

OSHO Dynamic, OSHO Kundalini Meditation and the OSHO Evening Meeting are essential parts of any course booked on OIO and if you haven’t already done so, please make sure you have subscribed to iOSHO prior to the course starting. Once subscribed you will be able to do the meditations in the time and place suggested by the facilitator. Currently there is a free, 7-day trial, available. If the course you’ve booked is longer than 7 days, we suggest that you subscribe for one month.


Course approach

  • Meditation
  • Issues

Meet Your Facilitator - Maneesha


Maneesha’s sessions – on meditation, all life-related issues and those around dying – are based on her 47 years’ experience of meditation. In addition, she spent seven years in Osho’s evening meetings (“darshan”), observing and recording his conversations with seekers from all over the world. This unique opportunity provided her with a passion for experimenting with meditative techniques and an invaluable learning in responding to a vast range of issues from a meditative perspective.

The experience of twenty-plus years as an international meditation-based course facilitator continues to broaden her understanding, love, and respect for those she works with.

More about Maneesha

“You have seen other people die, but you have never seen yourself dying. We see other people's deaths, but we never come to know if anything within these people survives. Since we become unconscious at the time, death remains a stranger to us. Hence it is important we enter death voluntarily. If a person sees death once he becomes free from it, he triumphs over death. In fact, it is meaningless to call him victorious because there is nothing to win – then death becomes false; then death simply doesn't exist.” - Osho

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