OSHO Exploring Conscious Dying

LIVE Online Course – Sat & Sun, 3 hours a day

Beyond life and death: our eternal reality

Osho course image

“Death is not the enemy. And if you think of death as the enemy it simply shows that you have not been able to know what life is.”  Osho

Our ignorance and fear surrounding death affect how we will die and how we will live. We live with the illusion that death is the end, so, naturally, death anxiety runs as an undercurrent through our everyday life.

By avoiding death, we miss what might lie beyond our body-mind.

Understanding Our Fears. What are we trying to hide from?

Our fear of death is basically fear of the unknown. We see it as something alien, separate from life. Yet, as Osho points out, a kind of dying is already happening with every exhalation, from the moment we are born — and yet here we are!

Learning to Let Go

In this course, through a selection of meditative techniques we become familiar with the process of letting go, just like leaves in Autumn. By learning to release control, we can experience the relief and relaxation that comes from trust. Free from attachments, we discover the joy of inner expansion. As the inner watcher we can view change as, simply, a passing drama and our being as pure consciousness.

Finding Clarity

Through group discussions, you will have the opportunity to share with like-minded participants, gaining clarity by expressing your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This course offers you a chance to understand what death truly is and even learn to celebrate it as “the very crescendo of life,” as Osho puts it.

Valuable on its own, this course also serves as an introduction to the 6-module online OSHO Bardo Training for deeper exploration of conscious dying.


  • Embrace Life Fully: Understanding dying as intrinsic to living allows you to embrace life with trust and gratitude.
  • Overcome Conditioned Beliefs: Bypass conditioned beliefs about dying and see it as an integral, harmonious aspect of living.
  • Life-Changing Perspective: A new understanding of dying can enable you to approach your own death with grace and gratitude.
  • Enhanced Support for Others: With experiential knowledge of living-dying, you can qualitatively enhance your support for friends, clients, or relatives who are dying.


  • A LIVE online weekend course. Saturday and Sunday. Approximately 3 hours a day
  • The experience of being in a loving, supportive environment in order to focus on a subject that most of us avoid
  • Directions regarding OSHO Meditations that may help you at this stage of your journey

OSHO Dynamic, OSHO Kundalini Meditation and the OSHO Evening Meeting are essential parts of any course booked on OIO and if you haven’t already done so, please make sure you have subscribed to iOSHO prior to the course starting. Once subscribed you will be able to do the meditations in the time and place suggested by the facilitator. Currently there is a free, 7-day trial, available. If the course you’ve booked is longer than 7 days, we suggest that you subscribe for one month.


Course approach

  • Meditation
  • Issues

Meet Your Facilitator - Maneesha


Maneesha’s sessions – on meditation, all life-related issues and those around dying – are based on her over 47 years’ experience of meditation. As a qualified psychotherapist, she has gained an added awareness of the human psyche.

More about Maneesha

“A person who knows life, ultimately knows death also. And when he knows both, he knows that life is not against death nor is death against life. When he knows both, he knows that something unknown has come into being, and that something unknown has left. Birth has been a door and death, too, has been a door. Something — existence — has come in, and something has gone out. Nothing begins, nothing ends. There are births beyond birth, and there will be deaths beyond deaths. There will be births beyond death, and there will be deaths beyond birth. The process is endless, the voyage is eternal.” - Osho

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