A fundamental experience

It was a fundamental experience. In a friendly and supportive environment, the course facilitator Satsavya guided me and several other students through simple discoveries of my body. I experienced a significant difference in the feeling of my body in a new way. This new way is the way of how body should feel from the beginning of its life. I will integrate this experience forever! Thank you 😊

A profound experience

Very gentle yet strong guidance from the host of the course gave me courage and confidence to dive deep in the experience of the TRE technique. It empowered trust in myself. Thank you.

OSHO Loving Yourself

Kimaya in a soft way has brought depth to the work. In the short time together, I got insights which allowed me to heal wounds from the past, let go of stories and come back to the present time to myself. So much value. Thank you

Very powerful meditations

I really enjoyed the OSHO No-Mind meditations every day for 7 days. It was a very powerful experience. I feel more balanced and have more clarity. I have noticed changes in how I express myself – now I express myself more freely!

Una experiencia muy interesante que va evolucionando día a día, y limpiando la mente de aquello que no nos deja avanzar

La experiencia ha resultado una grata sorpresa porque al principio no estaba demasiado convencida. Sin embargo, he podido comprobar que cada día acaba resultando una experiencia diferente. En un primer momento puede parecer dirigido, pero si te dejas llevar, es sorprendente lo que puede salir de tu mente, y como ésta te condiciona en tu día a día. Es un proceso liberador, una limpieza y una depuración que realmente funciona. De hecho, después de terminar el curso, he continuado la práctica por mi cuenta porque me ayuda a sacar el ruido mental que llevo dentro, para entrar después en el silencio.
¡Mil gracias por compartir!

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