Healing Trauma – In the Body & Mind

Our bodies are always in the present moment. They don’t wander off into the past or the future like our minds do. To deepen our capacity to sense, is to open up multiple pathways into the here and now. Somatic awareness, whether it be through breath, movement, or any of the senses, is a fast track to witnessing, meditation.
Our bodies are an undiscovered country, through which we can access our capacity for both our Zorba self, that part of ourselves that gives us access to celebration, and our Buddha self, full of grace, silence and presence. Our body is our friend, yet historically, in every culture, we are taught to reject it, be ashamed of it, to judge it as the source of our downfall, rather than the very ground of healing, meditation, transformation and awareness. To turn this around is a radical act.
Traumatic experiences can throw us into fight, flight, freeze, or fainting responses. If trauma is repeated, we can be locked into these states; all of which give us a distorted perception of our bodies, our self-image and our perception of the world around us. They can also have a profound effect on our physical health, our emotional health, our capacity to relate and our capacity to be present in the here and now.
To explore our bodies, and our body energy, in whatever ways feel good, is to unlock layers of memory that need to be reclaimed from centuries of rejection and judgement. To befriend our bodies is to discover what it feels like to be natural in a world that is unnatural. To come to our senses is to reclaim our birthright, our dignity and our bliss. Body awareness is one of the simplest and most effective ways to silence the noise that is our mind and come home to the true magic of who we are.
List of available session facilitators


Turiya is an experienced bodymind trainer, Feldenkrais practitioner, hypnotherapist, meditation facilitator and published author who has been working in the field of bodymind integration and meditation for 25 years.
For as long as she can remember, Turiya has been interested in “how one can help oneself feel at home in the body and good in one’s own skin.” This curiosity has been present throughout her life and is reflected in the body awareness and meditation-based work called “BodyWareness” which she has developed over the years. With warmth of heart, reality consciousness and know-how, she encourages clients, workshop participants, and trainees to become familiar and confident with their inner world and to express it authentically in harmony with the body.
In a straight-forward, yet heartwarming way, Turiya also works with people to address health problems, injuries, or major stress. No matter what the issue, be it pain, exhaustion, mental overload, sleeplessness, anxiety, migraines, burn-out or lack of fulfillment, she encourages clients to find their own way through the situation using the body’s perception as a guide.
See what Turiya is currently offering
Centering/Grounding Techniques
OSHO Body-Mind Balancing
Also experienced in:
Anxiety, Body Awareness, Body Tension Release, Breathing Issues, Conscious Movement/Self-expression, Health Conditions, OSHO Active Meditations, Pain Management, Self-esteem Issues, Sleeping Issues, Stress Release, Women’s Issues.
“Thank you for your skilled, gentle and inviting way to lead the OSHO Feldenkrais Awareness course. It was a pleasure to listen to your explanations and instructions, I loved the background you gave and the quiet atmosphere you created during these hours. I felt that you really are embodying the effortlessness and kindness of the Feldenkrais Method.”
Alia L., United States
“I enjoyed every bit of your session. It is as if you have given me a new body and a much healthier way of coping with my weight. I neither feel heavy anymore nor do I criticise my body for not being “perfect”. What a remarkable experience! It was definitely an eye opener … a kind of a moment when everything stopped and turned.”
Anita Tänzer, Germany
“Dear Turiya, you won’t believe it. I have been sleeping all nights through since our Body Awareness session. No tiredness in the morning anymore but higher energy. Thank you so much!”
Riksha Chowdwari, United Kingdom


Satsavya has 35 years of experience with OSHO Meditation. As a certified IAPCH hypnotist she will often employ hypnosis in her sessions, to support the BodyMind healing process in replacing unwanted habits and patterns, and for deepening awareness.
She is passionate about the ease and effectiveness of the Trager somatic bodywork method. Certified in 2004, she leads a successful Trager® Practice in Holland that has been transforming and inspiring many towards a balanced and healthy life. Gifted with a holistic touch, joy, and love, she is present to listen and to support you while respecting your unique way of coming home.
See what Satsavya is currently offering
Centering/Grounding Techniques
OSHO Body-Mind Balancing
Also experienced in:
Body Tension Release, Burn-out, Everyday Life Issues, Hypnosis for Life, Hypnosis for Relaxation, OSHO Active Meditations, Patterns/Phobias, Restoring balance in the BodyMind, Self-esteem Issues, Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, Stress Release, Trauma Healing.
“Having issues with my feet, knees and more, it has been so helpful to participate in Satsavya’s online OSHO BodyMind Alignment classes and individual sessions. The emphasis is on non-doing, making the least possible effort, and being in the best possible posture. I become aware of how I stand, sit, lie down and walk, so that I am as relaxed and pain-free as can be. I enjoy the class, always feel better afterwards and have tools to take into everyday life. Satsavya is patient, calm and passionate in the way she works. I have good results, usually any twinges I might have disappear and I also learn how I can prevent them happening in future. A class or individual session is a very meditative experience in which I come back to myself, providing respite from and resources for a very busy life, for which I’m very grateful.
Yatro (Jean Mackay), United Kingdom
The OSHO Hypnosis for Life Issues session was a very pleasant and enriching experience, which I look back on with a warm feeling. I experienced the hypnosis as a safe and very deep descent into myself, where I had the opportunity and the space to let go of things that hindered me. In addition, in that depth I was able to rediscover beautiful things that had actually been forgotten and to bring them back to the now. During the hypnosis I felt wonderfully relaxed, light and absolutely safe. I came out with a lot of beautiful new energy and immediately noticed that I had become richer in daily life. I consciously feel that the hypnosis in my subconscious is still working. When the time comes, I will gladly descend into my deeper self with hypnosis with Satsavya again to work on that.
Miranda Diesh, The Netherlands
I spontaneously decided at the last minute to participate in the online OSHO Inner Balance course. Good thinking. I jumped into a smooth and wonderful experience led by Satsavya with loving care. I experienced many different techniques and meditations which got me in touch with my body, feelings and emotions. Some of these techniques I still practice and are helpful in my daily life. A wonderful weekend. Thanks Satsavya.
Andre Gagnon, Canada


Aneesha has 22 years of experience and practice in meditation and mindfulness as well as self-inquiry and therapy. Her work is based on her own inner healing, transformation and personal development and her time with Osho.
Aneesha is a certified and registered holistic counselor and couple’s therapist. She offers individual sessions based on person-centered therapy and couple’s therapy as well as individual relationship counseling. She facilitates OSHO Counseling, as well as OSHO Chronic Stress & Tension Release.
The work she loves most, though, is helping people detach from the mind and personality structure so that they can get in touch with their inner being, which she also offers as OSHO Zen Counseling. Aneesha also facilitates the OSHO Meditative Therapies and teaches stress biology and stress management strategies.
See what Aneesha is currently offering
Counseling Psychology
Trauma Resolution
Also experienced in:
Abandonment, Anger Management, Attachment Issues, Body Tension Release, Childhood Deconditioning, Childhood Trauma, Commitment Issues, Communication Issues, Conflict Resolution, Emotional Release, Everyday Life Issues, Family Issues, Guilt/Shame, Inner Critic/Judgments, Inner Man, Inner Woman, Love/Dating/Conscious Relating, OSHO Active Meditations, Power Abuse, Self-esteem Issues, Stress Release, Trauma Healing, Victims of Narcissism, Women’s Issues, Workplace Issues.
“I came to Aneesha because I had anger issues. Over a few months, a completely different problem emerged, which turned out to be the cause of my aggression. Once the cause was clear, we were able to work on the root of the problem. I am very grateful for that, because treating symptoms is not my thing. We tackled the problem at the source and fixed it. Just great! My closest relationships have gotten much, much better.”
Dirk, Germany
“I hadn’t thought sessions via Zoom could be so effective. Aneesha helped me greatly to recognize my conditioning, including my unconscious superego attacks. Thereby, she helped me gain more and more inner strength, enabling me to have a choice as to how to respond to loved ones with more compassion and understanding, rather than being stuck in my old familiar tracks. Aneesha is very perceptive and intuitive. She is unique in mirroring back to me what I would never have recognized on my own.”
Frank, Germany
“I am so grateful to you! The sessions with you gave me new perspectives, I got to know myself in a way that was completely new to me. My whole life has changed completely – I am now really me and now I have the courage and the power to follow my own path. I feel so free! And I can finally sleep again. I do the relaxation exercises daily and I am much calmer and more relaxed. Thank you again! You are very caring and professional at the same time. I can’t imagine a better counselor.”
Vanessa, Germany

Asmita MD
Asmita MD

Asmita MD was born in Bogota, Colombia and worked as a pediatrician for ten years before she arrived at OSHO International Meditation Resort in Pune, India where she discovered meditation and new ways of seeing life.
From 2000, she participated and trained in the OSHO Meditative Therapies. She facilitates and trains these precious processes many times a year.
She has also been trained in OSHO Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, OSHO Active Meditations: In-Depth, OSHO Active Meditations Facilitator Training, Aura-Soma, Cranio Sacral Biodynamics, Pre and Perinatal Therapy, Japanese Facial Massage, and OSHO Opening to the Heart course. She is also a certified OSHO Reiki Master.
Her work in her courses and sessions brings her and the participant to a space of “relaxation, awareness and non-doing” in other words to meditation.
See what Asmita is currently offering
Energy Healing
Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness
OSHO Body-Mind Balancing
Also experienced in:
Body Tension Release, Energy Healing/Chakras, Forgiveness, OSHO Active Meditations, Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, Stress Release, Trauma Healing.
“Asmita is a loving person. With her, I’ve experienced Craniosacral Balancing and Reiki sessions and participated in OSHO Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, OSHO No-Mind and OSHO Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to your BodyMind. Her loving voice calms my nervous system. For several years she has been accompanying, listening, and guiding me in the process of overcoming fears, healing wounds and enjoying the present moment.”
Ma. Jose Restrepo, Colombia
“Asmita is my example of space from the heart! She is so caring and is always ready to hold me in her heart. The way she receives me helps me to receive myself. She was the first therapist I met in Pune, with OSHO No Mind, OSHO Mystic Rose, OSHO Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your BodyMind, and my favorite, Alignment sessions. After Pune we have stayed in touch and we have met to continue going deeper into meditation, I love Alignment sessions, because they are so powerful that my life problems become so small in perspective to the vastness of the heart. She’s teaching me to cultivate this heart space and bring it to my daily life.”
MR, Mexico
“Asmita is very intuitive, and she knows what I need based on the situations I experience. She is also very generous, and she supports wherever she can. These two and a half years, since the pandemic started, I have been through several difficult situations and Asmita has always been there for me giving support, advice, showing me the way, and sending me OSHO Reiki. For anyone who wants to receive therapy, a meditation practice, heal their past wounds or connect with their inner being, I definitely recommend her.”
Ligia Tamayo, Colombia


Dhyani studied psychology and numerous humanistic approaches to heal and to investigate herself and others.
After meeting Osho in 1987, she has immersed herself fully in Osho’s work, learning and facilitating OSHO Breath, Tantra, Counseling, Star Sapphire, Encounter, OSHO Meditative Therapies and more.
She co-developed OSHO Aquafloating, and a course called Love Yourself and Watch, Healing Birth-Trauma, Self-Regulation and Meditation, as well as giving individual sessions in these areas.
In 2008 she studied Somatic Experiencing and continues to work with this method in individual sessions as well as offering self-experimental courses where people can learn about the nervous system and how to self-regulate, resource, and heal past traumas.
Her deep insight into the nature of self and existence combined with her profound understanding and experience working with people, can create an opening to understanding one’s relationship with life and death.
See what Dhyani is currently offering
Counseling Psychology
Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness
Trauma Resolution
Also experienced in:
Everyday Life Issues, Inner Man, Inner Woman, Love/Dating/Conscious Relating, OSHO Active Meditations, Trauma Healing.
“Dhyani is Mrs. Joda Enlightenment Woman without any obvious signs of enlightenment -:). She is the very best “no-guru” therapist I have ever experienced. She is giving me guiding and support and mentoring for more or less 10 years and I admire her complexity & integrity of spirituality, therapeutic approach, financial and business intelligence, tantric shining & life experiences.”
Zdeněk, Czech Republic
“Dhyani has been with me for nearly 20 years. She laid the foundation for my further work with Tantra, which became my vocation, and Dhyani supported me with words and deeds in finding my very own way. It soon became clear to me that I wanted to work with her somehow … without directly knowing why. But there was something … an incredible love, lightness, humor and presence in the room that did not let me go. We have gone a long way together and the connection was always present and clear. Mutual inspiration was and is always possible. The journey is not over even if some travel section is already done. The adventure is just beginning, every moment new…”
Deva Bhusha, Germany
“Dhyani, with her sensitivity working with the OSHO Trauma Healing method, gradually restored my courage to start feeling myself again both mentally (soul-self) and physically. I started to live again and started to feel an increase in energy. The joy of small things returned to me; I feel that I have started to live consciously again. With Dhyani, thanks to my great trust, I went through her beautiful Trauma course and all things started to connect in me. I started to feel new emotions that are permanent and calmer. I thank Dhyani for how she led me through my big trauma to start believing in myself and to feel and enjoy new beautiful emotions in my body and soul. A big thank you to Dhyani for her wisdom, love, patience and support.”
Jitka, Czech Republic


Kimaya is a holistic therapist, facilitator and trainer in the field of bodymind, energy work and meditation with more than 25 years of experience.
She offers OSHO Tantric Meditation Retreats, OSHO Hara Awareness, OSHO Holistic Bodywork, OSHO Trauma Healing and her OSHO Tantra for Women Series, around the world.
Though focused on love and awareness, Kimaya has a unique approach based on body-oriented therapy, subtle energy work and above all, meditation.


Nadeen is the director of the Osho Institute for Meditative Living and has worked as an Osho session giver and facilitator for over 30 years. He trained to facilitate OSHO Active Meditations as well as the OSHO Meditative Therapies: OSHO Mystic Rose, OSHO No-Mind and OSHO Born Again.
He is also certified in Hypnosis (Childhood Liberation, Reliving Past Lives), Breath work, Family Constellation, Esoteric Sciences (OSHO Prana Healing, Energy Reading, Reiki Master, Subtle Body Healing), Kinesiology, OSHO Awareness Intensive: Who Is In? and various bodywork techniques.
40 years ago, Nadeen started his own international business which he continues running successfully to this day. Through his experience in the inner world as well as in the marketplace he developed a deep understanding and passion for supporting people to connect with their hearts and to bring awareness and meditation into their personal and professional lives.
See what Nadeen is currently offering
Counseling Psychology
Energy Healing
Relationship Counseling
Also experienced in:
Abandonment, Career Counseling, Childhood Deconditioning, Coaching, Communication Issues, Compassion Fatigue, Death Related Issues, Energy Healing/Chakras, Everyday Life Issues, Family Issues, Forgiveness, Grief, Guilt/Shame, Hypnosis for Relaxation, Inner Child Therapy, Inner Critic/Judgments, Inner Man, Inner Woman, Love/Dating/Conscious Relating, Men’s Issues, OSHO Active Meditations, Past Life Regression, Self-esteem Issues, Tarot Reading, Workplace Issues.
“I met Nadeen in his course. I love the space he creates, without intervention, everything is good, no judgement. And I enjoyed the flow in the moment. Since the course I am more connected with my heart. In the sessions, he sees clearly my conflict and how it is forming. His questions are like an arrow right to the point, but gentle. No matter how I react or response, through his presence I can see more clearly, and something opens in me. All the processes helped me to open my vulnerability easily, and my life became more joyful and light.”
Dara, China
“I have been working with Nadeen since the start of this year. Nadeen has an amazing way of getting me to think of the situations that we discuss in a way I hadn’t thought about. My sessions with him have helped me to create more space from my emotions. I have more space from my mind and see situations more clearly which gives me a lot more freedom. He is gentle and caring and hence I feel safe in my sessions with him. I am grateful to have found him.”
Kapila, United Kingdom
“Nadeen is a facilitator and session giver, with many skills. He is sensitive to subtle feelings and energies; he approached my issues with a wide-open heart. His sessions are a great healing process. He leads me very gently, and deeply into the issue. I feel safe, cared for and accepted for who I am. I feel an enormous gratitude to him for that, how he generously and delicately shares his experience, knowledge and understanding. His sessions support me to become more free, honest and stronger.”
Tanya Shakti, Russia


Richa graduated with an honors degree in psychology, with guidance and counseling as her double majors and went on to expand her understanding by completing a master’s degree in clinical psychology. She has a post graduate degree in journalism and mass communication, and her passion has always been interacting and working with people and sharing her skills and life experience.
She is one of the first practitioners of Craniosacral therapy and Somatic Experiencing® trauma healing in India and has been working in health and wellness for more than a decade. She is also a hypnotherapist and a registered member of the American Board of Hypnotherapy (ABH).
Richa supports mental health as well as physical and emotional well-being in her clients with OSHO trauma healing work and with family dynamics through family constellation work.
Inspired by the quest for inner transformation and having grown up in the climate of meditation, Richa includes Osho’s meditations and insights in her work and in her day-to-day life.
She is an experienced facilitator and trainer for OSHO Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your BodyMind and Facilitating, OSHO Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, OSHO Active Meditations: In-Depth and OSHO Active Meditations Facilitator Training.
Richa has shared OSHO meditations through regular workshops and courses, and OSHO meditative therapies in different cities of India and abroad; for individuals as well as for targeted audiences which include sportspersons, the corporate world, show business personalities, and industrialists.
See what Richa is currently offering
Family Constellation
OSHO Body-Mind Balancing
OSHO Zen Tarot
Trauma Resolution
Also experienced in:
Abandonment, Addictions, Anger Management, Attachment Issues, Body Tension Release, Childhood Trauma, Commitment Issues, Communication Issues, Compassion Fatigue, Family Issues, Grief, Guilt/Shame, Hypnosis for Meditation, Hypnosis for Relaxation, Inner Critic/Judgments, OSHO Active Meditations, Patterns/Phobias, Self-esteem Issues, Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, Stress Release, Tarot Reading, Trauma Healing, Young Adult Issues.
“Sessions with Richa are nothing short of a beautiful experience. Richa’s presence during sessions creates a sense of safety and openness for the body to heal. She’s insightful, open-hearted, non-judgmental and truly listens to your needs. I’d definitely recommend working with Richa if you’re looking for support in your healing and recovery.”
Manasi Dalvi, Childhood Wound Coach, Canada
“I have had years of experience with various forms of healing work, therapy, relaxation techniques, and alternative medicines all over the world. I regularly travel to India and look forward to the amazing work Richa does. I have embarked on a healing journey and feel safe and confident when working with Richa in a way that I do with no one else. I cannot speak highly enough of her skill, presence, and caring guidance. Thank you Richa for the amazing healing journey you have helped me on.”
Jen Ross, Businesswoman, United States
“Ability to give immense space, deep acceptance, non-judgement, receptivity, passion and humor all in one, in a therapist is rare! Therapists like Richa are rare. I am grateful to have encountered her. An acute case of excruciating headaches is what I went to Richa for few years back. With BCST she addressed this swiftly at the same time bringing balance and centering to the whole being. In past few years we have closely worked with Somatic Experiencing Therapy to address some core life patterns. The changes I have experienced thru SE have been radical, all along the way Richa has beautifully and with grace facilitated this healing journey. She finely tunes into ones being and calibrates her therapeutic work accordingly. Thank you dear Richa!”
Nirali Shah, Art & Counseling Therapist, India


Sadhana has been facilitating OSHO Meditative Therapies and OSHO Meditations for over two decades. She is trained at the Osho Multiversity.
Sadhana has traveled extensively in China, the UK, France, Portugal, Canada, and USA facilitating OSHO Meditations and courses.
The unique feature of OSHO courses is cleansing and unburdening the past which makes people both fresh and deeply relaxed.
She has found these therapies, designed by Osho, which are both simple, profound and have an immediate effect.
She has worked with hundreds of people from around the world and found that these meditations are equally effective for all cultures and ages.
Sadhana also gives individual sessions for those who would like to address specific issues.
She uses Osho insights in dealing with emotional issues which supports people to understand and to release these emotional issues, supporting deeper levels of meditation.
See what Sadhana is currently offering
Centering/Grounding Techniques
Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness
OSHO Zen Tarot
OSHO Body-Mind Balancing
Also experienced in:
Attachment Issues, Body Tension Release, Career Counseling, Coaching, Commitment Issues, Communication Issues, Compassion Fatigue, Connecting with your Creativity, Death Related Issues, Emotional Release, Emotional Voice Modulation, Energy Healing/Chakras, Everyday Life Issues, Family Issues, Forgiveness, Grief, Guilt/Shame, Hypnosis for Life Issues, Hypnosis for Meditation, Hypnosis for Relaxation, Inner Critic/Judgments, Inner Man, Inner Woman, OSHO Active Meditations, Parenting Issues, Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, Stress Release, Tarot Reading, Women’s Issues, Workplace Issues.
“Hey Beloved, Just a shout-out for your gift of OSHO Healing Sound course. WOW You are simply the Best! I am still in that space, and grateful to share this atmosphere with Sadhana.”
Madiro Paul, United States
“I have done an Osho Zen Tarot training with Sadhana. I couldn’t imagine Tarot reading could be so deep! Sadhana took us to the depth of the unconscious and explained the meaning of symbols and how we have to open our heart to understand Tarot cards.”
Mira Citron, Mexico
“The session about addiction was very, very good Sadhana. Many times, you inspire me to go into my unconscious and find the roots of my habits there. You give so many insights that I remember them while working, in my day to day life.”
Vimarsh Jani, India


Sambhavo is a therapist from Italy with a master’s degree and a PhD in clinical psychology. He was a lecturer and researcher in psychology at the University of Florence from 1994 to 2000.
His passion for human potential and self-discovery drew him to oriental philosophy, meditation, and psychology from a young age.
He has traveled all over the world to be trained in the most effective therapies available, including Short-Term Therapy, Group Dynamic, body-oriented Trauma Therapy and Psychodynamic.
Over the past decades he has offered regular one to one therapy sessions and courses such as OSHO Opening to Self-Love, OSHO Inner Judge, OSHO Opening to Intimacy, OSHO Tantra, AFH – The OSHO Freedom Process and the Path of Love.
His longing for truth never subsides; he constantly searches, explores, and works on himself, experiencing new methods, approaches, and self-development processes.
As a professional therapist, he is a member of A.P.A. American Psychological Association, the E.F.P.A. European Federation Psychologists Associations, and the I.T.A. International Transpersonal Association.
Perhaps more important than all of his experience and background, Sambhavo is an Osho therapist with the understanding that the ultimate healing for clients is in the silence of the heart.
He currently offers meditations, sessions for both singles and couples, and courses in English, Italian and Spanish.
See what Sambhavo is currently offering
Counseling Psychology
Energy Healing
Relationship Counseling
Trauma Resolution
Also experienced in:
Abandonment, Addictions, Anger Management, Attachment Issues, Body Tension Release, Childhood Deconditioning, Childhood Trauma, Coaching, Commitment Issues, Communication Issues, Compassion Fatigue, Connecting with your Creativity, Death Related Issues, Emotional Release, Everyday Life Issues, Family Issues, Forgiveness, Grief, Guilt/Shame, Inner Child Therapy, Inner Critic/Judgments, Inner Man, Inner Woman, Love/Dating/Conscious Relating, Men’s Issues, OSHO Active Meditations, Parenting Issues, Patterns/Phobias, Self-esteem Issues, Stress Release, Tantra Energy Counseling, Trauma Healing, Women’s Issues, Workplace Issues, Young Adult Issues.


Sneha realized in 2005 it was time to discover more about herself and, as she was living in Mexico, her first explorations were heavily influenced by the Shamanic traditions of that country.
By 2007 her interest had become focused on the issues surrounding femininity and the role of women in the world today.
In 2010, she found herself in India at the OSHO International Meditation Resort – and during that time her understanding of the power of meditation to transform continued to deepen.
Since 2011, India has become her main base and she is currently facilitating a variety of courses including OSHO Meditative Therapies, OSHO Active Meditations, Women’s circles, Energy Readings. She also offers her work in several places in Mexico, Bali and India both in English and Spanish.
See what Sneha is currently offering
Energy Healing
OSHO Body-Mind Balancing
Also experienced in:
Body Tension Release, Coaching, Communication Issues, Energy Healing/Chakras, Everyday Life Issues, Family Issues, Hypnosis for Relaxation, OSHO Active Meditations, Self-esteem Issues, Stress Release, Women’s Issues, Workplace Issues.
“I recently did a 7-day course, OSHO Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your BodyMind, with Sneha at OSHO International Online. It has been an amazing journey. As she was guiding the meditation, I experienced deep relaxation. Also, I was able to address and heal specific emotional and physical issues. Thank you Sneha for being an amazing facilitator in my journey!”
Utsavaa Tank, India
“It’s not always easy to open and explore your feelings with someone new, but Sneha made me feel comfortable during the OSHO Energy Reading session. She listens, quietly engages and saw something I couldn’t see for myself. It gave me a lot to think about.”
Ravi Costa, Brazil
“Sneha transmits calm and a sort of grounding whenever you work with her. She is present, loving and makes the person safe and able to open up. I have experienced it both in her OSHO Energy Reading’s session and also in her meditation classes.”
Laura Rodríguez, Mexico


Yuhan has facilitated yoga, meditation, dance therapy, and sound healing around the world for the past 10 years. Her journey began with Tibetan Buddhism and has led her down many different paths including yoga, tantra, bodywork, and hypnosis. In recent years, she shares Kundalini Yoga, Sound Healing for Deep Relaxation, and Chakra Dance to support students awaken their life energy.
When she first came to OSHO International Meditation Resort in Pune, she found it to be the perfect place to combine the most transformative elements of Eastern mysticism and Western psychology.
She has since completed the OSHO® Active Meditation Facilitator Training and OSHO® Hypnosis Facilitator Training. She continues to dive deeply into her practice and only shares healing methodologies that have given her a quantum leap in her own journey.
If you’re looking for a facilitator to support you recalibrate and reconnect with your own innate wisdom, Yuhan’s sessions create a safe space that will support you to re-align yourself with your highest potential.
See what Yuhan is currently offering
Centering/Grounding Techniques
Energy Healing
Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness
Also experienced in:
Body Tension Release, Energy Healing/Chakras, Hypnosis for Life Issues, OSHO Active Meditations, Stress Release, Yoga.
“Yuhan’s voice was very peaceful, gentle and, powerful, guiding me on my hypnotic journey, healing what was meant to be healed. Words cannot describe how she has helped me and transformed my life.”
Jasmine, Nepal
“I met Yuhan at her Chakra Dance workshop where I experienced a deep meditative state, one that I had never experienced before. Through dance dynamics and sound healing, I felt supported, nourished, and my energy felt awakened. I honor each unique session with Yuhan, that allowed me to see different aspects of myself that I was hiding from. Super grateful and I wholeheartedly recommend her sessions to anyone.”
Bobo, China
“Taking a yoga class with Yuhan is a high-quality enjoyment. She is one of the most professional and dedicated yoga teachers I know. She provides exercises tailored to the needs of her students; each session brings a deeper level of healing and inspiration. I highly recommended her work for anyone at any level of practice.”
Yi, Morocco