Healing through Meditation

LIVE Online Individual Sessions For Joyful Living

“If we can de-automate our activities the whole of life becomes a meditation. Then any small thing – taking a shower, eating your food, talking to your friend – becomes meditation. Meditation is a quality; it can be brought to anything; it is not a specific act. People think that way: they think meditation is a specific act in which you sit facing East, you repeat certain mantras, you burn some incense, you do this and that at a particular time, in a particular way, with a particular gesture. Meditation has nothing to do with all those things. They are all ways to automate it and meditation is against automatism. So, if you can keep alert, any activity is meditation.” Osho

Osho course image

On Meditation

Unlike our nomadic ancestors, who lived very physical lives, today we are increasingly sedentary and head oriented. The energy has moved from the body to the head. As a result, as Osho explains, we are the most repressed people who have ever lived:

“The therapies do the spade work. If insight were available directly, it would have been very easy. Then you could become blissful any moment. But you are layers upon layers of repression. You have repressed your fear, you have repressed your anger, you have repressed your love, you have repressed your sex. You have repressed so many things! The insight is there, but these layers of repression have to be thrown out.”

And also:

“The cathartic therapies help. They will not produce your insight, they will only clear the way. They will only make the insight available to you. The insight is there. Everybody has brought it, that’s why we call it insight.”

Hence Osho has created the OSHO Active Meditations, or for example, the OSHO No-Mind course. These are specifically designed to allow us to release whatever is repressed. Then we can start to see straight! Not only that, free from all that repressed emotional agitation – the silence, peace, and relaxation of meditation now become possible.

This allows us to discover the inner science that is fundamental to this whole journey:

The human mind is a miraculous phenomenon that allows us to understand the world around us, to create science and technology and so on. It happens not to be the right mechanism to apply to understanding ourselves. It is the mind itself that has been persuaded of so many misconceptions about us and what our potential is, that we need to learn to put it to one side in order to discover who we really are. Like all the best technology, we just need to know where the off button is.

The mind on standby is called “no-mind.” It is like when you use your legs, we call it walking. When we use the mind, we call it “minding.” When you sit down, you still have legs, ready to walk at any moment, but where has the walking gone? Like that: in no-mind the mind is there, but there is no minding, no thinking. You are relaxed and at ease and still fully aware.

The knack is now to take this same relaxation into our daily lives.

List of available session facilitators

DURATION 60/90/120 Minutes



English, German

Aditi has been with Osho for many years and is a qualified psychologist and experienced psychotherapist, trained in Gestalt Therapy, Family Constellation, Hypnosis and the OSHO Meditative Therapies.

She has been giving individual sessions and courses both in her private practice for many years and is constantly bringing her love for meditation into her work with people.

Dedicated to Osho and his vision Aditi is also taking care of the website osho.com and its translators around the world.

See what Aditi is currently offering


Energy Healing
Family Constellation
Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness
OSHO Body-Mind Balancing

Also experienced in:
Abandonment, Addictions, Anger Management, Attachment Issues, Body Tension Release, Childhood Deconditioning, Childhood Trauma, Commitment Issues, Compassion, De-Hypnosis for Meditation, Connecting with your Creativity, Death Related Issues, DeHypnosis for Meditation, Energy Healing/Chakras, Everyday Life Issues, Family Issues, Forgiveness, Grief, Guilt/Shame, Hypnosis for Life Issues, Hypnosis for Meditation, Hypnosis for Meeting Your Unconscious Mind, Hypnosis for Relaxation, Inner Critic/Judgments, Love/Dating/Conscious Relating, OSHO Active Meditations, Parenting Issues, Self-esteem Issues, Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, Stress Release, Trauma Healing, Workplace Issues.



“Aditi, your hypnosis presentation in the OSHO Learning Self-Hypnosis for Individual Transformation course is unique. I’m feeling the approach of mystery. Especially with your “tease”…. Words to the affect, “this hypnosis is not the end of our investigation.” WHOLLY entrancing course!”
Madiro, United States

“I’d never been to a de-hypnosis session before, so I was a bit skeptical about it initially, but all of my doubts were dispelled after just one session with Aditi. I could feel the impact of the sessions for almost the entire day, and I feel much better equipped now to deal with the matter that I went to her for. Aditi took the time to understand my issue properly and had prepared for our meetings beforehand. I would recommend her to anyone wishing to try an OSHO Hypnosis for Meeting Your Unconscious Mind session.”
Rishabh, India

“I was very deeply relaxed in the OSHO Learning Self-Hypnosis for Individual Transformation course. It was good because I had a contrast situation and could feel relaxation deeper than usual.”
Ivor, Croatia

Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness

Amrito MD

Amrito MD


Amrito MD is an English- and US-trained physician who specialized originally in internal medicine before studying meditation as a basis for exploring a holistic approach to wellbeing.

He was Osho’s personal physician, taking care of his body for many years including the final days.

As a meditator and a scientist for many decades, Amrito has enjoyed exploring, and doing his best to understand, what Osho calls his “open experiment” – unlike all the “closed systems” that have gone before. And what it means for his life and the lives of those around him.

He is particularly attracted to what Osho calls his “trinity” – where therapy dissolves into hypnosis and hypnosis dissolves into meditation. Key elements in the science of the inner on our journey from mind to no-mind.

Amrito is currently giving courses and sessions on OSHO International Online.

See what Amrito is currently offering


Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness

Also experienced in:
Childhood Deconditioning, Childhood Trauma/Age Regression, Compassion, DeHypnosis for Meditation, Everyday Life Issues, Grief, Holistic Mind/Body Medicine, Humor, Mind Issues, OSHO Active Meditations, Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, The Art of Listening, Understanding.



“Amrito takes you right to the core of the problem – and then makes you laugh about it!”
N.G. Brazil

“I never thought that hypnosis could be such a powerful doorway to making the changes I needed in my life. I had done therapy for many years before that, and it seemed like I was going around in circles without ever really changing anything. After the sessions with Amrito over the past year, I have been so happy with the changes that emerged from that process.”
R.S. Brazil

“After a series of hypnosis sessions, including a journey that started with age regression, I finally got to the bottom of a basic misunderstanding that has bugged me my whole life.”
A.P. United States

Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness




Anekant is a fully trained N.L.P. trainer and hypnotherapist, he considers though the 40 years of experience and a deep grounding in Osho meditations to be the underlying foundation of his work.

Over the years he has broadened his range of therapeutic skills with continual training in many diverse therapeutic approaches. Individual sessions are his favored way of working.

Individual sessions work for almost any difficulty that the client might be experiencing, for example: anxiety, phobias, insomnia, body issues, relationship troubles, trauma and much more.

It is the client’s own wisdom that guides the process and yet the sessions are pragmatic and work towards a solution.

See what Anekant is currently offering


Counseling Psychology
Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness

Also experienced in:
Abandonment, Addictions, Anger Management, Attachment, Career Counseling, Childhood Deconditioning, Childhood Trauma, Coaching, Commitment Issues, Communication Issues, Compassion Fatigue, Connecting with your Creativity, Death Related Issues, DeHypnosis for Everyday Life Issues, Family Issues, Forgiveness, Grief, Guilt/Shame, Hypnosis for Life Issues, Hypnosis for Meditation, Hypnosis for Relaxation, Inner Child Therapy, Inner Critic/Judgments, Love/Dating/Conscious Relating, Men’s Issues, NLP, New Code NLP, Parenting Issues, Patterns/Phobias, Self-esteem Issues, Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, Stress Release, Trauma Healing, Workplace Issues.



“I highly recommend Anekant. His presence, professional skills, meditation and love, all together creates a perfect container for healing to happen. I have done many sessions with him, and they always leave me with new insights and deeper understandings. I recommend his work to everyone I know.”
Kimaya Carvalho, Brazil

“Anekant is the most honest, knowledgeable, respectful and skilled therapist I have met in my life. I would love to attend his seminars; I hope very soon that I will. He helped me a lot.”
Francesca Sanseverinodi Marcellinara, Italy

“I did a Hypnosis Training with Anekant. It absolutely changed my life and set me on a new path. Anekant has the quality of appreciating people’s inner qualities, so that they begin to trust in themselves. Such a support! Thank you so much, Anekant.”
Anuprada White, The Netherlands

Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness

Asmita MD

Asmita MD

English, Spanish

Asmita MD was born in Bogota, Colombia and worked as a pediatrician for ten years before she arrived at OSHO International Meditation Resort in Pune, India where she discovered meditation and new ways of seeing life.

From 2000, she participated and trained in the OSHO Meditative Therapies. She facilitates and trains these precious processes many times a year.

She has also been trained in OSHO Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, OSHO Active Meditations: In-Depth, OSHO Active Meditations Facilitator Training, Aura-Soma, Cranio Sacral Biodynamics, Pre and Perinatal Therapy, Japanese Facial Massage, and OSHO Opening to the Heart course. She is also a certified OSHO Reiki Master.

Her work in her courses and sessions brings her and the participant to a space of “relaxation, awareness and non-doing” in other words to meditation.

See what Asmita is currently offering


Energy Healing
Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness
OSHO Body-Mind Balancing

Also experienced in:
Body Tension Release, Energy Healing/Chakras, Forgiveness, OSHO Active Meditations, Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, Stress Release, Trauma Healing.



“Asmita is a loving person. With her, I’ve experienced Craniosacral Balancing and Reiki sessions and participated in OSHO Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, OSHO No-Mind and OSHO Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to your BodyMind. Her loving voice calms my nervous system. For several years she has been accompanying, listening, and guiding me in the process of overcoming fears, healing wounds and enjoying the present moment.”
Ma. Jose Restrepo, Colombia

“Asmita is my example of space from the heart! She is so caring and is always ready to hold me in her heart. The way she receives me helps me to receive myself. She was the first therapist I met in Pune, with OSHO No Mind, OSHO Mystic Rose, OSHO Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your BodyMind, and my favorite, Alignment sessions. After Pune we have stayed in touch and we have met to continue going deeper into meditation, I love Alignment sessions, because they are so powerful that my life problems become so small in perspective to the vastness of the heart. She’s teaching me to cultivate this heart space and bring it to my daily life.”
MR, Mexico

“Asmita is very intuitive, and she knows what I need based on the situations I experience. She is also very generous, and she supports wherever she can. These two and a half years, since the pandemic started, I have been through several difficult situations and Asmita has always been there for me giving support, advice, showing me the way, and sending me OSHO Reiki. For anyone who wants to receive therapy, a meditation practice, heal their past wounds or connect with their inner being, I definitely recommend her.”
Ligia Tamayo, Colombia

Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness



English, Hindi

Devendra is a facilitator, trainer and coach in the areas of meditation and mindfulness, stress management, emotional wellness, communication, counseling, and other skills for conscious living, with more than 40 years of experience.

Devendra shares his work through workshops, seminars and sessions around the world including China, Vietnam, Russia, Europe and South America.

He is a trainer with in-depth understanding and his own experience of meditation, mindfulness, and his professional skills.

He is working with people from all walks of life from around the world. There is a maturity in his way of facilitating rightly, through the experience of working with such a variety of people.

He has been connected to Osho for more than 45 years which includes his work in publishing Osho’s books and audio-videos.

In addition to his courses and sessions, he is a public speaker, giving talks on meditation in India, China, Malaysia, Vietnam and other countries. He has been recognized with awards for his work including “Master of Wisdom” by Media Trust of India.

See what Devendra is currently offering


Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness

Also experienced in:
Anger Management, Body Tension Release, Breath Techniques, Coaching, Communication Issues, DeHypnosis for Meditation, Emotional Release, Everyday Life Issues, Hypnosis for Meditation, Hypnosis for Relaxation, Inner Skills for Work and Life, OSHO Active Meditations, Personal Development, Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, Stress Release, Workplace Issues.



“Thank you very much for the audio file of Osho Self-Hypnosis for Meditation. It downloaded perfectly. This course is one of the high points of my life. I find you, with your innate quietness and humility, a perfect facilitator for this meditation in depth. It cleans away all the dross that has gathered on the inner truth that everyone instinctively knows is there. Personally, I was also very happy to have the occasion to connect with you again. We don’t realize it at the moment, but these work connections are very precious, especially when everything goes so beautifully and smoothly as with you. I treasure that.”
Anuprada White, Musician, Facilitator, Netherlands

“I did OSHO Hypnosis for Meditation sessions with Devendra, he helped me to overcome a fear that I was dealing with and gave me very useful tips. He is a very kind and smart person, I recommend everyone to book a session with him!
May Sagiv, Israel

“I was very fortunate to have the incredible opportunity to learn from Devendra a facilitator of OSHO Active Meditation, Breath: Emotional Wellness Workshops and Coaching session. During 5 days of the workshops and the coaching session, I found him very pure, calm and at the same time very humorous, heartfelt and caring. He has simple and natural ways of approaching to instruct and encourage participants to do their best, to give all they have to get amazing results. I myself was not only healed by him but also learnt from him great lessons of Totality, Love and Meditation. I am so blessed. Highly appreciate your care, my warm hearted facilitator Devendra!”
Uyen Vu, Health Coach, Vietnam

Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness



English, French, German

Dhyani studied psychology and numerous humanistic approaches to heal and to investigate herself and others.

After meeting Osho in 1987, she has immersed herself fully in Osho’s work, learning and facilitating OSHO Breath, Tantra, Counseling, Star Sapphire, Encounter, OSHO Meditative Therapies and more.
She co-developed OSHO Aquafloating, and a course called Love Yourself and Watch, Healing Birth-Trauma, Self-Regulation and Meditation, as well as giving individual sessions in these areas.

In 2008 she studied Somatic Experiencing and continues to work with this method in individual sessions as well as offering self-experimental courses where people can learn about the nervous system and how to self-regulate, resource, and heal past traumas.

Her deep insight into the nature of self and existence combined with her profound understanding and experience working with people, can create an opening to understanding one’s relationship with life and death.

See what Dhyani is currently offering


Counseling Psychology
Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness
Trauma Resolution

Also experienced in:
Everyday Life Issues, Inner Man, Inner Woman, Love/Dating/Conscious Relating, OSHO Active Meditations, Trauma Healing.



“Dhyani is Mrs. Joda Enlightenment Woman without any obvious signs of enlightenment -:). She is the very best “no-guru” therapist I have ever experienced. She is giving me guiding and support and mentoring for more or less 10 years and I admire her complexity & integrity of spirituality, therapeutic approach, financial and business intelligence, tantric shining & life experiences.”
Zdeněk, Czech Republic

“Dhyani has been with me for nearly 20 years. She laid the foundation for my further work with Tantra, which became my vocation, and Dhyani supported me with words and deeds in finding my very own way. It soon became clear to me that I wanted to work with her somehow … without directly knowing why. But there was something … an incredible love, lightness, humor and presence in the room that did not let me go. We have gone a long way together and the connection was always present and clear. Mutual inspiration was and is always possible. The journey is not over even if some travel section is already done. The adventure is just beginning, every moment new…”
Deva Bhusha, Germany

“Dhyani, with her sensitivity working with the OSHO Trauma Healing method, gradually restored my courage to start feeling myself again both mentally (soul-self) and physically. I started to live again and started to feel an increase in energy. The joy of small things returned to me; I feel that I have started to live consciously again. With Dhyani, thanks to my great trust, I went through her beautiful Trauma course and all things started to connect in me. I started to feel new emotions that are permanent and calmer. I thank Dhyani for how she led me through my big trauma to start believing in myself and to feel and enjoy new beautiful emotions in my body and soul. A big thank you to Dhyani for her wisdom, love, patience and support.”
Jitka, Czech Republic

Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness



Trained in

Maneesha’s sessions – on meditation, all life-related issues and those around dying – are based on her over 47 years’ experience of meditation. In addition, she spent seven years in Osho’s evening meetings (“darshan”), observing and recording his conversations with seekers from all over the world. This unique opportunity provided her with a passion for experimenting with meditative techniques and was also an invaluable learning in responding to a vast range of issues from a meditative perspective.

The experience of twenty-five years as an international, meditation-based, course facilitator continues to broaden her understanding, love, and respect for those she works with.

In addition, as a qualified psychotherapist, she has gained an added awareness of the human psyche, along with skills in creating rapport and supporting her clients in finding their way to clarity and understanding.

See what Maneesha is currently offering


Counseling Psychology
Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness
OSHO Bardo

Also experienced in:
Anger Management, Death Related Issues, Everyday Life Issues, Grief, OSHO Active Meditations, Self-esteem Issues, Stress Release, Workplace Issues.



“I have had both individual sessions and been a participant in courses lead by Maneesha. In our one-on-one work her relaxed presence held me in a safe space, which allowed me to intimately explore my own issues. Her presence gave me the capacity to have compassion for myself. Maneesha truly embodies an unconditional, loving awareness laced with wisdom, truth and beauty. Within the group process I still remember Maneesha’s ability to embrace everyone in the group equally. I have been involved in many courses over the past thirty years, with many group leaders, and Maneesha’s courses are at the very top of my list for the quality, intention, care and understanding that she shares so abundantly.”
Rajan, United Kingdom

“I was translator for the many sessions Maneesha conducted in Japan. It was a unique and precious experience. Clients came with different reasons and needs – such a diversity. With each one she was just there with a clear presence, open and joyfully listening to them and then often suggesting a meditation technique or method as needed. The suggestions were all very simple and basic, yet clearly going amazingly deep, which looked quite magical. Her trust in her clients and in existence is absolute. Even with challenging clients she was so relaxed and unhesitatingly able to cut through the mental cobwebs. Sometimes the three of us had tears of joy and gratitude. What a blessing! Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.”
Ajita, Japan

“To me Maneesha is a gem, a rare person who still continues Osho’s work, for which I am grateful. I worked on my relationship with my parents, especially with my father. Maneesha was very kind and loving, listening to me patiently, asking questions which helped me to see what it was that was unconsciously prodding me into anger, hatred etc. Maneesha genuinely felt for me and followed up with me even from Australia. This really helped me immensely as I needed this attention during that time. Something has changed in the way I relate with my parents. I feel unburdened as somehow, mysteriously, I am openly communicating my deeper processes to my parents. This has helped me go deeper in my meditation in my life and to stand up for myself.”
Satya Subod, India

Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness



English, German

Nidal MD is an experienced and passionate facilitator in both OSHO DeHypnosis and OSHO Meditations, which he uses to support people in their inner growth.

Originally a medical doctor, he started using medical hypnosis in his work. Later, after getting in contact with Osho’s work, meditation entered into his understanding of the power of the subconscious which is when meditation became the source of his whole work with individuals.

Based on this understanding and on his personal meditation experience he created his own way of working with people: “OSHO DeHypnosis for Inner Freedom”. The essence of this individually tailored process is that it helps us get rid of old patterns that keep us imprisoned in the past and, by that, to live a joyful life in freedom. In his work, Nidal uses a combination of specific hypnosis techniques and meditation.

See what Nidal is currently offering


Counseling Psychology
Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness

Also experienced in:
Anger Management, Coaching, Compassion Fatigue, DeHypnosis for Meditation, Everyday Life Issues, Hypnosis for Life Issues, Hypnosis for Meditation, Hypnosis for Relaxation, Men’s Issues, OSHO Active Meditations, Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, Stress Release, Workplace Issues.



“Whether live or on a recording his sessions are gentle yet effective, easy yet strong. Setting aside his warm and friendly demeanor, Nidal is a remarkably competent and effective health consultant … I cannot recommend him highly enough!”
Jivan Cohn, United States

“I notice that the course opened doors. It made some doors more open and also it showed me many completely new doors, about which I am curious. I will surely be happy to come again!!!”
Eckhard Müller, Germany

“I would like to say that your seminar left an impression. The days and weeks afterwards I felt very authentic, calm and present. I have allowed more feelings (also the negative ones) without feeling dominated by them. I am most impressed by the meditations. I suspected already since a long time that meditation could enrich my life, but I didn’t expect it to be so strong and joyful. This has been a great experience.”
Marlies, Austria

Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness



English, Hindi

Richa graduated with an honors degree in psychology, with guidance and counseling as her double majors and went on to expand her understanding by completing a master’s degree in clinical psychology. She has a post graduate degree in journalism and mass communication, and her passion has always been interacting and working with people and sharing her skills and life experience.

She is one of the first practitioners of Craniosacral therapy and Somatic Experiencing® trauma healing in India and has been working in health and wellness for more than a decade. She is also a hypnotherapist and a registered member of the American Board of Hypnotherapy (ABH).

Richa supports mental health as well as physical and emotional well-being in her clients with OSHO trauma healing work and with family dynamics through family constellation work.

Inspired by the quest for inner transformation and having grown up in the climate of meditation, Richa includes Osho’s meditations and insights in her work and in her day-to-day life.

She is an experienced facilitator and trainer for OSHO Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your BodyMind and Facilitating, OSHO Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, OSHO Active Meditations: In-Depth and OSHO Active Meditations Facilitator Training.

Richa has shared OSHO meditations through regular workshops and courses, and OSHO meditative therapies in different cities of India and abroad; for individuals as well as for targeted audiences which include sportspersons, the corporate world, show business personalities, and industrialists.

See what Richa is currently offering


Family Constellation
OSHO Body-Mind Balancing
OSHO Zen Tarot
Trauma Resolution

Also experienced in:
Abandonment, Addictions, Anger Management, Attachment Issues, Body Tension Release, Childhood Trauma, Commitment Issues, Communication Issues, Compassion Fatigue, Family Issues, Grief, Guilt/Shame, Hypnosis for Meditation, Hypnosis for Relaxation, Inner Critic/Judgments, OSHO Active Meditations, Patterns/Phobias, Self-esteem Issues, Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, Stress Release, Tarot Reading, Trauma Healing, Young Adult Issues.



“Sessions with Richa are nothing short of a beautiful experience. Richa’s presence during sessions creates a sense of safety and openness for the body to heal. She’s insightful, open-hearted, non-judgmental and truly listens to your needs. I’d definitely recommend working with Richa if you’re looking for support in your healing and recovery.”
Manasi Dalvi, Childhood Wound Coach, Canada

“I have had years of experience with various forms of healing work, therapy, relaxation techniques, and alternative medicines all over the world. I regularly travel to India and look forward to the amazing work Richa does. I have embarked on a healing journey and feel safe and confident when working with Richa in a way that I do with no one else. I cannot speak highly enough of her skill, presence, and caring guidance. Thank you Richa for the amazing healing journey you have helped me on.”
Jen Ross, Businesswoman, United States

“Ability to give immense space, deep acceptance, non-judgement, receptivity, passion and humor all in one, in a therapist is rare! Therapists like Richa are rare. I am grateful to have encountered her. An acute case of excruciating headaches is what I went to Richa for few years back. With BCST she addressed this swiftly at the same time bringing balance and centering to the whole being. In past few years we have closely worked with Somatic Experiencing Therapy to address some core life patterns. The changes I have experienced thru SE have been radical, all along the way Richa has beautifully and with grace facilitated this healing journey. She finely tunes into ones being and calibrates her therapeutic work accordingly. Thank you dear Richa!”
Nirali Shah, Art & Counseling Therapist, India

Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness



English, Hindi

Sadhana has been facilitating OSHO Meditative Therapies and OSHO Meditations for over two decades. She is trained at the Osho Multiversity.

Sadhana has traveled extensively in China, the UK, France, Portugal, Canada, and USA facilitating OSHO Meditations and courses.

The unique feature of OSHO courses is cleansing and unburdening the past which makes people both fresh and deeply relaxed.
She has found these therapies, designed by Osho, which are both simple, profound and have an immediate effect.

She has worked with hundreds of people from around the world and found that these meditations are equally effective for all cultures and ages.

Sadhana also gives individual sessions for those who would like to address specific issues.
She uses Osho insights in dealing with emotional issues which supports people to understand and to release these emotional issues, supporting deeper levels of meditation.

See what Sadhana is currently offering


Centering/Grounding Techniques
Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness
OSHO Zen Tarot
OSHO Body-Mind Balancing

Also experienced in:
Attachment Issues, Body Tension Release, Career Counseling, Coaching, Commitment Issues, Communication Issues, Compassion Fatigue, Connecting with your Creativity, Death Related Issues, Emotional Release, Emotional Voice Modulation, Energy Healing/Chakras, Everyday Life Issues, Family Issues, Forgiveness, Grief, Guilt/Shame, Hypnosis for Life Issues, Hypnosis for Meditation, Hypnosis for Relaxation, Inner Critic/Judgments, Inner Man, Inner Woman, OSHO Active Meditations, Parenting Issues, Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, Stress Release, Tarot Reading, Women’s Issues, Workplace Issues.



“Hey Beloved, Just a shout-out for your gift of OSHO Healing Sound course. WOW You are simply the Best! I am still in that space, and grateful to share this atmosphere with Sadhana.”
Madiro Paul, United States

“I have done an Osho Zen Tarot training with Sadhana. I couldn’t imagine Tarot reading could be so deep! Sadhana took us to the depth of the unconscious and explained the meaning of symbols and how we have to open our heart to understand Tarot cards.”
Mira Citron, Mexico

“The session about addiction was very, very good Sadhana. Many times, you inspire me to go into my unconscious and find the roots of my habits there. You give so many insights that I remember them while working, in my day to day life.”
Vimarsh Jani, India

Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness



English, Dutch

Sudheer has been a meditator for over 50 years and has a gentleness that makes him very relaxing to be around.

His first experience of OSHO Dynamic Meditation was at the age of 21 and he has experimented with all the OSHO meditations and many meditations from The Book of Secrets by Osho.

As a teenager Sudheer was fascinated by the big questions: What is life? What is death? – his favorite book at that time was The Tibetan Book of the Dead, a kind of guidebook for the afterlife.
After studying philosophy, he realized that what he was seeking was not to be found in words, so he moved into working closely with people, training as a general and psychiatric nurse.

Sudheer is also trained in Hypnosis, Self-Hypnosis and NLP and is experienced in helping people accept death consciously and joyfully. He is especially interested in using Hypnosis to deepen meditation and to deal with end-of-life issues – he is one of the co-creators of the OSHO Bardo, a guided meditative process for everyday use and for preparing for death.

Sudheer also travelled the world facilitating meditation courses in such places as Taiwan, Japan, Korea, China, Spain, the UK, the Netherlands and the US.

See what Sudheer is currently offering


Counseling Psychology
Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness
OSHO Bardo

Also experienced in:
Abandonment, Addictions, Anger Management, Attachment Issues, Body Tension Release, Childhood Trauma, Coaching, Communication Issues, Compassion Fatigue, Connecting with your Creativity, Death Related Issues, DeHypnosis for Meditation, Everyday Life Issues, Forgiveness, Grief, Guilt/Shame, Hypnosis for Life Issues, Hypnosis for Meditation, Hypnosis for Relaxation, Inner Critic/Judgments, Inner Man, Inner Woman, Love/Dating/Conscious Relating, Men’s Issues, OSHO Active Meditations, OSHO Facilitator Evaluation, Parenting Issues, Self-esteem Issues, Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, Stress Release, Trauma Healing, Workplace Issues, Young Adult Issues.



“It is a delight to be with Sudheer. He brings a unique quality of meditation that seems to be so deep, gentle and easy that it lights up the room and everyone in it. He has a delicious sense of humor, and a capacity to lead us into profound spaces where understanding and transformation can happen as if by themselves.”
Pankaja, Film maker, United Kingdom

“I attended the Sammasati training, which was co-facilitated by Sudheer. The course was an opportunity to explore our fears about death and dying in a safe and supportive environment, and to learn skills in supporting others who are dying. I am a nurse working in a hospice, and so this course was very relevant to me professionally as well as personally and has enabled me to work with patients with greater courage and creativity. I found Sudheer to be a very skilled facilitator, he is truly authentic, and creates an environment within which participants feel safe and nurtured whilst exploring subjects which may be challenging. Sudheer shares his passion and enthusiasm for this work with warmth and humor. He is knowledgeable and experienced and inspires group members to trust and have confidence in his role as facilitator. Sudheer encourages the free sharing of thoughts and feelings, enabling a strong sense of support and community within the group. He also acknowledges and values each person’s contribution in a nurturing way which brings out the best in the participants. Sudheer guided us to keep to the structure and intentions of the course in a gentle and flexible way, and brought a lot of light heartedness, fun and laughter to the group.”
Maggie, Hospice Nurse, United Kingdom

“I have experienced Sudheer co-facilitating many workshops on very challenging subjects and with very challenging group participants. For me, his main quality is that he is always grounded in his own deep experience of meditation. This is his foundation, and he also has a sharp mind, a warm and open heart, and a strong, calm, meditative presence. He doesn’t allow his ego to get in the way. His interventions are always considered, to-the-point and very timely. He was also a fantastic communicator / teacher of meditation methods, of Osho’s wisdom (and this to someone outside that particular tradition, so in a very accessible way), and of relaxation techniques.”
Gillian, Hospice worker, United Kingdom

Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness

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