Purpose, Self-Expression and Intuition

Individual Session Online

Osho course image


There is more to life than meets the eye. The very fact that we are alive at all – and know it – is a great mystery. Every child has eyes of wonder; and every child is conditioned to narrow their vision. We are taught to believe, rather than to enquire for ourselves. In the process we lose touch with the purity of our intelligence, the guiding light of our intuition and the passion of our natural thirst for truth.

As children we are open to the innate mysteries of existence that we are then taught to shut down. To wake up is to reclaim access to our sense of wonder, to tap back into the integrity of our own unique perceptions of the world, and to find our own way to make meaning from all the various challenges and opportunities life offers us.

The unconscious mind is a reservoir of resources to tap into on our journey towards that centre of light that arises as we dive into the world of meditation. Our intuition can be sparked back into life if given the right acceptance and support.

As we begin to embark on a journey of self-expression, so we discover more and more of who we are, what we have to share and those things that enrich our sense of the true significance of being alive.

To reclaim our sense of wonder and our willingness to explore, to take on the adventure of self-discovery and self-expression with our whole heart, is to throw off the shackles of our conditioning and reclaim the truth of being, of presence.


List of available session facilitators

COST €80 EUR/hour
DURATION 60/90/120 Minutes




Sudhir first came to Osho in 1977. Meditation has been his underlying adventure ever since. He trained in Osho Astrology in 1985 and has also assisted in the training of Osho Astrologers at the Osho International Meditation Resort.

He has written the Osho Horoscope for since 2000. He also writes a selection of other astrology columns that are published around the world.

Sudhir is passionate about using astrology as a tool to unfold and explore what is and what gets in the way of us being with life as it is. He sees Astrology as a language with which to understand and assimilate the deep currents of change that come as one enters the journey of meditation and transformation.

Sudhir is a trained counselor who also works with marginalized clients dealing with the adult consequences of complex trauma, applying all the skills learned on his journey of meditation and transformation in that context.

See what Sudhir is currently offering


Esoteric Sciences

Also experienced in:
Abandonment, Addictions, Anger Management, Astrology/Horoscope, Attachment Issues, Childhood Trauma, Communication Issues, Compassion Fatigue, Death Related Issues, Everyday Life Issues, Family Issues, Inner Critic/Judgments, Love/Dating/Conscious Relating, Self-esteem Issues, Stress Release, Trauma Healing.



“Sudhir’s experiential astrology session was remarkable in that it became ‘alive’ for me and was incredibly useful to see how my ‘parts’ interacted with each other. It was playful and light – with moments of profound insights and understanding that helped and touched me deeply. Sudhir is a brilliant facilitator. Definitely a ‘must-do’ particularly if you really do not understand what is happening with your inner self”
Sophie, Australia

“I had a reading at a very difficult time in my life. I had been feeling so lost. The reading with Sudhir was an amazing experience which truly helped me to get some context – to move out to the stars and look back at the smallness of my existence, which filled me with gratitude that I still feel every day. Rich and generous, the dialogue was tender, and I felt such care and tenderness from Sudhir. I highly recommend the experience. Open up and invite the wonderful in”
Debbie, Australia

“I have the greatest respect for Sudhir’s ability to look into a chart and extract the most important information. My readings with him have always been insightful and supportive. And he brings a wonderful sense of humor to the work, which I absolutely adore”
Tarika, The Netherlands

Esoteric Sciences



English, Spanish

Sneha realized in 2005 it was time to discover more about herself and, as she was living in Mexico, her first explorations were heavily influenced by the Shamanic traditions of that country.

By 2007 her interest had become focused on the issues surrounding femininity and the role of women in the world today.

In 2010, she found herself in India at the OSHO International Meditation Resort – and during that time her understanding of the power of meditation to transform continued to deepen.

Since 2011, India has become her main base and she is currently facilitating a variety of courses including OSHO Meditative Therapies, OSHO Active Meditations, Women’s circles, Energy Readings. She also offers her work in several places in Mexico, Bali and India both in English and Spanish.

See what Sneha is currently offering



Energy Healing
OSHO Body-Mind Balancing

Also experienced in:
Body Tension Release, Coaching, Communication Issues, Energy Healing/Chakras, Everyday Life Issues, Family Issues, Hypnosis for Relaxation, OSHO Active Meditations, Self-esteem Issues, Stress Release, Women’s Issues, Workplace Issues.



“I recently did a 7-day course, OSHO Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your BodyMind, with Sneha at OSHO International Online. It has been an amazing journey. As she was guiding the meditation, I experienced deep relaxation. Also, I was able to address and heal specific emotional and physical issues. Thank you Sneha for being an amazing facilitator in my journey!”
Utsavaa Tank, India

“It’s not always easy to open and explore your feelings with someone new, but Sneha made me feel comfortable during the OSHO Energy Reading session. She listens, quietly engages and saw something I couldn’t see for myself. It gave me a lot to think about.”
Ravi Costa, Brazil

“Sneha transmits calm and a sort of grounding whenever you work with her. She is present, loving and makes the person safe and able to open up. I have experienced it both in her OSHO Energy Reading’s session and also in her meditation classes.”
Laura Rodríguez, Mexico

Energy Healing




Viram’s life journey began as a sensitive professional soccer player who later embraced a bold path in dance and holistic practices. At 27, he ventured into ballet at the Academy in Tilburg, Netherlands.

In the mid-1980s, Viram studied under Oki Masahiro in Japan, delving into shiatsu, Feng Shui, and workshops for women. He later trained at the Royal Ballet Academy in Antwerp, Belgium, and further honed his skills under Lynn Simonson in New York City.

Viram introduced Reiki to Taiwan and traveled extensively with Dance, Body & Soul workshops worldwide. His path also led him to the Osho Commune International in Pune, India, where a short visit turned into a significant stay.

From studying Daoist practices in Upstate New York to settling in Taipei in 2015, Viram embraced a simpler life close to nature. Teaching dance, writing, and offering Feng Shui consultations, he found profound peace in outdoor serenity, fulfilling a lifelong quest.



Trained in

Maneesha’s sessions – on meditation, all life-related issues and those around dying – are based on her over 47 years’ experience of meditation. In addition, she spent seven years in Osho’s evening meetings (“darshan”), observing and recording his conversations with seekers from all over the world. This unique opportunity provided her with a passion for experimenting with meditative techniques and was also an invaluable learning in responding to a vast range of issues from a meditative perspective.

The experience of twenty-five years as an international, meditation-based, course facilitator continues to broaden her understanding, love, and respect for those she works with.

In addition, as a qualified psychotherapist, she has gained an added awareness of the human psyche, along with skills in creating rapport and supporting her clients in finding their way to clarity and understanding.

See what Maneesha is currently offering


Counseling Psychology
Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness
OSHO Bardo

Also experienced in:
Anger Management, Death Related Issues, Everyday Life Issues, Grief, OSHO Active Meditations, Self-esteem Issues, Stress Release, Workplace Issues.



“I have had both individual sessions and been a participant in courses lead by Maneesha. In our one-on-one work her relaxed presence held me in a safe space, which allowed me to intimately explore my own issues. Her presence gave me the capacity to have compassion for myself. Maneesha truly embodies an unconditional, loving awareness laced with wisdom, truth and beauty. Within the group process I still remember Maneesha’s ability to embrace everyone in the group equally. I have been involved in many courses over the past thirty years, with many group leaders, and Maneesha’s courses are at the very top of my list for the quality, intention, care and understanding that she shares so abundantly.”
Rajan, United Kingdom

“I was translator for the many sessions Maneesha conducted in Japan. It was a unique and precious experience. Clients came with different reasons and needs – such a diversity. With each one she was just there with a clear presence, open and joyfully listening to them and then often suggesting a meditation technique or method as needed. The suggestions were all very simple and basic, yet clearly going amazingly deep, which looked quite magical. Her trust in her clients and in existence is absolute. Even with challenging clients she was so relaxed and unhesitatingly able to cut through the mental cobwebs. Sometimes the three of us had tears of joy and gratitude. What a blessing! Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.”
Ajita, Japan

“To me Maneesha is a gem, a rare person who still continues Osho’s work, for which I am grateful. I worked on my relationship with my parents, especially with my father. Maneesha was very kind and loving, listening to me patiently, asking questions which helped me to see what it was that was unconsciously prodding me into anger, hatred etc. Maneesha genuinely felt for me and followed up with me even from Australia. This really helped me immensely as I needed this attention during that time. Something has changed in the way I relate with my parents. I feel unburdened as somehow, mysteriously, I am openly communicating my deeper processes to my parents. This has helped me go deeper in my meditation in my life and to stand up for myself.”
Satya Subod, India




Anekant is a fully trained N.L.P. trainer and hypnotherapist, he considers though the 40 years of experience and a deep grounding in Osho meditations to be the underlying foundation of his work.

Over the years he has broadened his range of therapeutic skills with continual training in many diverse therapeutic approaches. Individual sessions are his favored way of working.

Individual sessions work for almost any difficulty that the client might be experiencing, for example: anxiety, phobias, insomnia, body issues, relationship troubles, trauma and much more.

It is the client’s own wisdom that guides the process and yet the sessions are pragmatic and work towards a solution.

See what Anekant is currently offering


Counseling Psychology
Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness

Also experienced in:
Abandonment, Addictions, Anger Management, Attachment, Career Counseling, Childhood Deconditioning, Childhood Trauma, Coaching, Commitment Issues, Communication Issues, Compassion Fatigue, Connecting with your Creativity, Death Related Issues, DeHypnosis for Everyday Life Issues, Family Issues, Forgiveness, Grief, Guilt/Shame, Hypnosis for Life Issues, Hypnosis for Meditation, Hypnosis for Relaxation, Inner Child Therapy, Inner Critic/Judgments, Love/Dating/Conscious Relating, Men’s Issues, NLP, New Code NLP, Parenting Issues, Patterns/Phobias, Self-esteem Issues, Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, Stress Release, Trauma Healing, Workplace Issues.



“I highly recommend Anekant. His presence, professional skills, meditation and love, all together creates a perfect container for healing to happen. I have done many sessions with him, and they always leave me with new insights and deeper understandings. I recommend his work to everyone I know.”
Kimaya Carvalho, Brazil

“Anekant is the most honest, knowledgeable, respectful and skilled therapist I have met in my life. I would love to attend his seminars; I hope very soon that I will. He helped me a lot.”
Francesca Sanseverinodi Marcellinara, Italy

“I did a Hypnosis Training with Anekant. It absolutely changed my life and set me on a new path. Anekant has the quality of appreciating people’s inner qualities, so that they begin to trust in themselves. Such a support! Thank you so much, Anekant.”
Anuprada White, The Netherlands





Angela loves supporting men and women who are in the grip of a toxic relationship to unravel those self-torturing voices in your head and uncover what is really going on beneath the surface so that you can know what is right for you and have a clear path towards healing your relationship and your heart.

Having resolved deep trauma from early childhood that once thwarted her relationships, Angela knows exactly how it is to feel hurt, frustrated and like a failure when it comes to building joyful and supportive relationships both at home and with a partner.

Using Osho’s approach to therapy, together in these sessions we will find the root cause of your suffering so that you can stop feeling paralyzed by conflicting emotions that keep you tossing and turning at night searching for answers. And you’ll be able to stop jumping down people’s necks or perhaps freezing on the spot when someone attacks you or violates your boundaries. And instead, you’ll be able to respond from a place of power and presence that is full of love for yourself and also a deeper understanding for the other. Finally, you’ll know the true secret of how to create a loving relationship both with yourself and towards others.

Angela has over 20 years of experience in various approaches to therapy including, counseling, breath-work, energy-healing, primal therapy, family constellation and relationship dynamics to name a few so that each session is tailored exactly to your own personal needs.

She’s looking forward to meeting you and showing you this simple approach to resolving inner conflict and establishing healthy boundaries so that you feel more empowered and fully able to create the joyful relationships that you deserve.

See what Angela is currently offering

Art Therapy

Asmita MD

Asmita MD

Trained in
English, Spanish

Asmita MD was born in Bogota, Colombia and worked as a pediatrician for ten years before she arrived at OSHO International Meditation Resort in Pune, India where she discovered meditation and new ways of seeing life.

From 2000, she participated and trained in the OSHO Meditative Therapies. She facilitates and trains these precious processes many times a year.

She has also been trained in OSHO Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, OSHO Active Meditations: In-Depth, OSHO Active Meditations Facilitator Training, Aura-Soma, Cranio Sacral Biodynamics, Pre and Perinatal Therapy, Japanese Facial Massage, and OSHO Opening to the Heart course. She is also a certified OSHO Reiki Master.

Her work in her courses and sessions brings her and the participant to a space of “relaxation, awareness and non-doing” in other words to meditation.

See what Asmita is currently offering


Energy Healing
Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness
OSHO Body-Mind Balancing

Also experienced in:
Body Tension Release, Energy Healing/Chakras, Forgiveness, OSHO Active Meditations, Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, Stress Release, Trauma Healing.



“Asmita is a loving person. With her, I’ve experienced Craniosacral Balancing and Reiki sessions and participated in OSHO Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, OSHO No-Mind and OSHO Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to your BodyMind. Her loving voice calms my nervous system. For several years she has been accompanying, listening, and guiding me in the process of overcoming fears, healing wounds and enjoying the present moment.”
Ma. Jose Restrepo, Colombia

“Asmita is my example of space from the heart! She is so caring and is always ready to hold me in her heart. The way she receives me helps me to receive myself. She was the first therapist I met in Pune, with OSHO No Mind, OSHO Mystic Rose, OSHO Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your BodyMind, and my favorite, Alignment sessions. After Pune we have stayed in touch and we have met to continue going deeper into meditation, I love Alignment sessions, because they are so powerful that my life problems become so small in perspective to the vastness of the heart. She’s teaching me to cultivate this heart space and bring it to my daily life.”
MR, Mexico

“Asmita is very intuitive, and she knows what I need based on the situations I experience. She is also very generous, and she supports wherever she can. These two and a half years, since the pandemic started, I have been through several difficult situations and Asmita has always been there for me giving support, advice, showing me the way, and sending me OSHO Reiki. For anyone who wants to receive therapy, a meditation practice, heal their past wounds or connect with their inner being, I definitely recommend her.”
Ligia Tamayo, Colombia

Energy Healing



Trained in
English, Chinese, Russian

Dhyan’s passion for authentic transformation has brought her deeply into different kinds of work in the world of Osho. An experienced meditator and facilitator with more than 20 years’ experience,

She offers courses and various individual sessions. Dhyan is originally from China, now based in Kiev, Ukraine, and travels the world to share her work. She is passionate about supporting people, deepening their meditation, and bringing meditative qualities into their daily life.

Her sharing is based, in part, on theories and systems but more importantly on her own experience which supports healing and transformation.

See what Dhyan is currently offering


Art Therapy
Counseling Psychology
Transomatic Dialogue

Also experienced in:
Abandonment, Anger Management, Attachment Issues, Childhood Deconditioning, Childhood Trauma, Communication Issues, Connecting with your Creativity, Emotional Release, Energy Healing/Chakras, Everyday Life Issues, Forgiveness, Grief, Guilt/Shame, Inner Child Therapy, Inner Critic/Judgments, Inner Man, Inner Woman, Love/Dating/Conscious Relating, OSHO Active Meditations, Parenting Issues, Self-esteem Issues, Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, Stress Release, Transomatic Dialogue for Self-Healing, Transomatic Dream Dialogue, Transomatic Past Lives Dialogue, Trauma Healing, Women’s Issues.



“I received this beautiful Meditation Process, OSHO Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your BodyMind, for one week in Vienna and through the loving, caring and conscious guidance of Dhyan I was really able to connect to myself, to my body and to receive some very important messages from parts of my body that needed to be looked at to begin a deep healing process. I could connect to the parts of myself that I had neglected and became aware of the potential of self-healing that is inside of me. Thank you Dhyan for your caring attention.“
Yamouna (Ingrid) Hofer, Austria

“I want to thank Dhyan for the ease and simplicity of conducting OSHO No-Mind. In her course and her field, I can relax and go through the process easily. Thank you for the resource that appears and leads to transformation after our meetings. Thank you Dhyan for a safe field of work!“
Olga Obydennova, Ukraine

“After receiving the OSHO Transomatic Dialogue for Self-Healing sessions and participating in OSHO Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your BodyMind and the OSHO No-Mind courses facilitated by Dhyan, I become more and more aware each day. Dhyan said that each happening has a reason to be here, which makes me feel rejoiced and present. I will experience this in my life more and more. Just now I noticed that my pattern of relating with my son is about fighting, for being right or wrong, which is exactly the pattern I have with my elder sister. Drop the past! Meditation is amazing!”
Zhangzheng, China

Art Therapy
Transomatic Dialogue



English, Italian

Raso first came into contact with the Osho proposal in 1978 and was set to complete her thesis in pedagogy from the University of Florence. Afterwards, enriched by the experience of the OSHO Meditation Resort, she opened an Osho Meditation Centre in Florence. Since that time, she has been meditating and working with people around the world.

She has been trained as a polyhedric bodyworker, and continually works with OSHO Active Meditations. She has studied and practiced as channeler, tarot reader and facilitator of trainings on the chakras.

Her readings have solid roots in meditation, psychology and in her experience of bodywork; they also have a playful and easy touch.

The sessions will support your clarity and awareness in different fields of your professional life, your relations, your health, love affairs, and your money situation.

Bring your questions, issues, and/or doubts into the session to be answered and explored using the powerful tool of the OSHO Zen Tarot.

See what Raso is currently offering


OSHO Zen Tarot

Also experienced in:
Abandonment, Addictions, Coaching, Communication Issues, Connecting with your Creativity, Energy Healing/Chakras, Forgiveness, Grief, Love/Dating/Conscious Relating, OSHO Active Meditations, Tarot Reading, Trauma Healing, Women’s Issues.



“For several years I’ve had Channeling sessions with Raso. It has been an annual, must-have event every time I arrived in Pune. During those sessions, I not only received answers to my questions, but also intuitive directions and insights on what to work on,for a whole year. These sessions have been very valuable in my process of inner opening and awareness, and at same time a support to deepen my meditation. In the sessions I received messages that suddenly cleared up certain crucial mental knots, to have a quantum leap in the understanding of my life! I will always be grateful to existence for giving me the opportunity, through Raso, to be able to feel, today, rooted, with the depths of my roots and with the wings of my being!”
Prabhod Anudas, India

“Recently I received a Tarot mini session from Raso. It was a very beautiful session full of love, compassion and truth and it got right to the point. Raso gave me a few insightful tips on the situation, I asked for, that proved to be so accurate. I would recommend Raso and her Tarot sessions to anyone. She is very experienced on the Tarot subjects and at the same time, she keeps her readings light, fun and essential. Thank you Raso!”
Darshana Ilaria Caglieri, Italy

“Raso is a very special and lovely person for me. She offers deep and profound readings. For several years, in times of need, when I have doubts about what to do, or how to move, or to get some clarity on an issue, I have been turning to her for a Tarot reading online. I highly recommend Raso!”
Anna Maria P., Italy

Esoteric Sciences
OSHO Zen Tarot



English, Italian

Sambhavo is a therapist from Italy with a master’s degree and a PhD in clinical psychology. He was a lecturer and researcher in psychology at the University of Florence from 1994 to 2000.

His passion for human potential and self-discovery drew him to oriental philosophy, meditation, and psychology from a young age.

He has traveled all over the world to be trained in the most effective therapies available, including Short-Term Therapy, Group Dynamic, body-oriented Trauma Therapy and Psychodynamic.

Over the past decades he has offered regular one to one therapy sessions and courses such as OSHO Opening to Self-Love, OSHO Inner Judge, OSHO Opening to Intimacy, OSHO Tantra, AFH – The OSHO Freedom Process and the Path of Love.

His longing for truth never subsides; he constantly searches, explores, and works on himself, experiencing new methods, approaches, and self-development processes.

As a professional therapist, he is a member of A.P.A. American Psychological Association, the E.F.P.A. European Federation Psychologists Associations, and the I.T.A. International Transpersonal Association.

Perhaps more important than all of his experience and background, Sambhavo is an Osho therapist with the understanding that the ultimate healing for clients is in the silence of the heart.

He currently offers meditations, sessions for both singles and couples, and courses in English, Italian and Spanish.

See what Sambhavo is currently offering


Counseling Psychology
Energy Healing
Relationship Counseling
Trauma Resolution

Also experienced in:
Abandonment, Addictions, Anger Management, Attachment Issues, Body Tension Release, Childhood Deconditioning, Childhood Trauma, Coaching, Commitment Issues, Communication Issues, Compassion Fatigue, Connecting with your Creativity, Death Related Issues, Emotional Release, Everyday Life Issues, Family Issues, Forgiveness, Grief, Guilt/Shame, Inner Child Therapy, Inner Critic/Judgments, Inner Man, Inner Woman, Love/Dating/Conscious Relating, Men’s Issues, OSHO Active Meditations, Parenting Issues, Patterns/Phobias, Self-esteem Issues, Stress Release, Tantra Energy Counseling, Trauma Healing, Women’s Issues, Workplace Issues, Young Adult Issues.



Energy Healing



English, Hindi

Sindhu commenced her spiritual journey in 1995. At the age of 25, married to a loving husband, with two beautiful kids, all the material comforts, and a “perfect life,” she realized something was amiss.

In 1998, a friend gifted her a book, “The Path of Meditation” by Osho. After reading and listening to more Osho she soon decided to visit OSHO International Meditation Resort in Pune to take sannyas. This was a defining moment in her life and the beginning of a new phase.

For the next few years Sindhu participated in OSHO Active Meditations and OSHO Meditative Therapies at OIMR. In 2003, Sindhu met Osho’s personal dentist, Devageet who introduced her to OSHO Transomatic Dialogue Therapy, a profound method of healing and transformation. This was followed by OSHO Akashic sessions which led to a quantum leap in her personal growth.

She is deeply passionate about all things Osho and has been practicing and sharing them, alongside OSHO Meditative Therapies for the last 19 years.

See what Sindhu is currently offering


Centering/Grounding Techniques
Energy Healing
Esoteric Sciences
Transomatic Dialogue

Also experienced in:
Abandonment, Addictions, Anger Management, Attachment Issues, Body Tension Release, Childhood Deconditioning, Childhood Trauma, Commitment Issues, Communication Issues, Compassion Fatigue, Emotional Release, Energy Healing/Chakras, Everyday Life Issues, Family Issues, Forgiveness, Grief, Guilt/Shame, Hypnosis for Life Issues, Hypnosis for Meditation, Hypnosis for Relaxation, Inner Child Therapy, Inner Critic/Judgments, OSHO Active Meditations, Past Life Regression, Patterns/Phobias, Self-esteem Issues, Transomatic Dialogue for Self-Healing, Transomatic Dream Dialogue, Transomatic Past Lives Dialogue.



“Thank you so much for OSHO Chakra Energy Balancing & Healing session. For several months now I have been trying to look my body from the inside, but I was not able to progress much. This session helped me have a big leap in that. It was almost like a magical experience. For the first time I felt the chakras in my body. The presence of Sindhu is always special.”
Santhosh, Journalist, India

“Sindhu was a perfect facilitator for the OSHO Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your BodyMind course. She has a long, skilled career as a facilitator in this course so that I was able to participate in this course with a feeling of safety. I was so impressed that she was holding a space of love and awareness and guiding participants with warmth and silence. I could go to the depth of my inner world. My awareness got clearer and deeper day by day. The pain in my right shoulder had stopped bothering me before I noticed. I feel it’s an effect of this course. Thank you, Sindhu, I offer my gratitude to you.”
Deva Pradeepa, Japan

“It was a wonderful OSHO Body-Mind Balancing session conducted by Sindhu.
After this session I personally feel that, I become more aware with my body mind, and I feel I become more sensitive, and many things more…. About Sindhu, as always very helpful. Love.”
Sonal, Make-up Artist, India

Energy Healing
Esoteric Sciences
Transomatic Dialogue



English, Dutch

Sudheer has been a meditator for over 50 years and has a gentleness that makes him very relaxing to be around.

His first experience of OSHO Dynamic Meditation was at the age of 21 and he has experimented with all the OSHO meditations and many meditations from The Book of Secrets by Osho.

As a teenager Sudheer was fascinated by the big questions: What is life? What is death? – his favorite book at that time was The Tibetan Book of the Dead, a kind of guidebook for the afterlife.
After studying philosophy, he realized that what he was seeking was not to be found in words, so he moved into working closely with people, training as a general and psychiatric nurse.

Sudheer is also trained in Hypnosis, Self-Hypnosis and NLP and is experienced in helping people accept death consciously and joyfully. He is especially interested in using Hypnosis to deepen meditation and to deal with end-of-life issues – he is one of the co-creators of the OSHO Bardo, a guided meditative process for everyday use and for preparing for death.

Sudheer also travelled the world facilitating meditation courses in such places as Taiwan, Japan, Korea, China, Spain, the UK, the Netherlands and the US.

See what Sudheer is currently offering


Counseling Psychology
Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness
OSHO Bardo

Also experienced in:
Abandonment, Addictions, Anger Management, Attachment Issues, Body Tension Release, Childhood Trauma, Coaching, Communication Issues, Compassion Fatigue, Connecting with your Creativity, Death Related Issues, DeHypnosis for Meditation, Everyday Life Issues, Forgiveness, Grief, Guilt/Shame, Hypnosis for Life Issues, Hypnosis for Meditation, Hypnosis for Relaxation, Inner Critic/Judgments, Inner Man, Inner Woman, Love/Dating/Conscious Relating, Men’s Issues, OSHO Active Meditations, OSHO Facilitator Evaluation, Parenting Issues, Self-esteem Issues, Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, Stress Release, Trauma Healing, Workplace Issues, Young Adult Issues.



“It is a delight to be with Sudheer. He brings a unique quality of meditation that seems to be so deep, gentle and easy that it lights up the room and everyone in it. He has a delicious sense of humor, and a capacity to lead us into profound spaces where understanding and transformation can happen as if by themselves.”
Pankaja, Film maker, United Kingdom

“I attended the Sammasati training, which was co-facilitated by Sudheer. The course was an opportunity to explore our fears about death and dying in a safe and supportive environment, and to learn skills in supporting others who are dying. I am a nurse working in a hospice, and so this course was very relevant to me professionally as well as personally and has enabled me to work with patients with greater courage and creativity. I found Sudheer to be a very skilled facilitator, he is truly authentic, and creates an environment within which participants feel safe and nurtured whilst exploring subjects which may be challenging. Sudheer shares his passion and enthusiasm for this work with warmth and humor. He is knowledgeable and experienced and inspires group members to trust and have confidence in his role as facilitator. Sudheer encourages the free sharing of thoughts and feelings, enabling a strong sense of support and community within the group. He also acknowledges and values each person’s contribution in a nurturing way which brings out the best in the participants. Sudheer guided us to keep to the structure and intentions of the course in a gentle and flexible way, and brought a lot of light heartedness, fun and laughter to the group.”
Maggie, Hospice Nurse, United Kingdom

“I have experienced Sudheer co-facilitating many workshops on very challenging subjects and with very challenging group participants. For me, his main quality is that he is always grounded in his own deep experience of meditation. This is his foundation, and he also has a sharp mind, a warm and open heart, and a strong, calm, meditative presence. He doesn’t allow his ego to get in the way. His interventions are always considered, to-the-point and very timely. He was also a fantastic communicator / teacher of meditation methods, of Osho’s wisdom (and this to someone outside that particular tradition, so in a very accessible way), and of relaxation techniques.”
Gillian, Hospice worker, United Kingdom





Suheiwa discovered in 1999 Osho’s books which inspired him to travel to Pune, India where he started exploring Osho meditations and himself. With his ongoing meditation practice, he translates Osho’s teachings into his OSHO Human Design readings and points his clients to a wide range of Osho meditation techniques and insights, always supporting the journey in.

Suheiwa has been studying Human Design since 2013 and was certified as a practitioner in 2016. He uses OSHO Human Design in his everyday life for his own personal growth, business and relating, and loves to share OSHO Human Design with others to support them in discovering new ways of living.

He facilitates monthly meditations in Maui Hawaii and with a long-time interest in the metaphysical and healing properties of gemstones he has been designing and creating jewelry for over 15 years using OSHO Human Design and gems as a bridge for people to discover their own inner map.

See what Suheiwa is currently offering


Esoteric Sciences

Also experienced in:
Abandonment, Addictions, Astrology/Horoscope, Attachment Issues, Business Success with Human Design, Career Counseling, Childhood Deconditioning, Coaching, Communication Issues, Connecting with your Creativity, Death Related Issues, Energy Healing/Chakras, Everyday Life Issues, Family Issues, Human Design Chart, Hypnosis for Meditation, Inner Man, Inner Woman, Love/Dating/Conscious Relating, OSHO Active Meditations, Self-Hypnosis for Meditation, Tarot Reading, Workplace Issues, Yoga.



“Suheiwa Human Design session has helped me to understand the way I am functioning in this body and the way to be with my Friends, Family and Colleagues.”
Patra French, United States

“Human Design is a great tool and I am grateful to Suheiwa to have explained to me how to use these energies for every day live.”
Kendra Jahn, United States

“Just to understand my emotions and how to deal with it every day is so helpful and the way Suheiwa explained it to me with my Human Design reading, Fantastic 5 Star.”
Jessica DeBoer, United States

Esoteric Sciences



Trained in
English, Chinese

Yuhan has facilitated yoga, meditation, dance therapy, and sound healing around the world for the past 10 years. Her journey began with Tibetan Buddhism and has led her down many different paths including yoga, tantra, bodywork, and hypnosis. In recent years, she shares Kundalini Yoga, Sound Healing for Deep Relaxation, and Chakra Dance to support students awaken their life energy.

When she first came to OSHO International Meditation Resort in Pune, she found it to be the perfect place to combine the most transformative elements of Eastern mysticism and Western psychology.
She has since completed the OSHO® Active Meditation Facilitator Training and OSHO® Hypnosis Facilitator Training. She continues to dive deeply into her practice and only shares healing methodologies that have given her a quantum leap in her own journey.

If you’re looking for a facilitator to support you recalibrate and reconnect with your own innate wisdom, Yuhan’s sessions create a safe space that will support you to re-align yourself with your highest potential.

See what Yuhan is currently offering


Centering/Grounding Techniques
Energy Healing
Meditation Techniques/Mindfulness

Also experienced in:
Body Tension Release, Energy Healing/Chakras, Hypnosis for Life Issues, OSHO Active Meditations, Stress Release, Yoga.



“Yuhan’s voice was very peaceful, gentle and, powerful, guiding me on my hypnotic journey, healing what was meant to be healed. Words cannot describe how she has helped me and transformed my life.”
Jasmine, Nepal

“I met Yuhan at her Chakra Dance workshop where I experienced a deep meditative state, one that I had never experienced before. Through dance dynamics and sound healing, I felt supported, nourished, and my energy felt awakened. I honor each unique session with Yuhan, that allowed me to see different aspects of myself that I was hiding from. Super grateful and I wholeheartedly recommend her sessions to anyone.”
Bobo, China

“Taking a yoga class with Yuhan is a high-quality enjoyment. She is one of the most professional and dedicated yoga teachers I know. She provides exercises tailored to the needs of her students; each session brings a deeper level of healing and inspiration. I highly recommended her work for anyone at any level of practice.”
Yi, Morocco

Energy Healing

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